Complementary medicine Patients seldom mention it

Frequently, patients do not talk to their primary care physicians about their complementary medical treatment. Previously, it was thought that patients on the subject of alternative and complementary medicine are reluctant, because they fear that general practitioners are rather opposed to this and advise against an application.
The study of American scientists shows, however, that this is rarely the reason. Rather, the patients assume that the topic is not relevant for the doctor's visit or simply does not concern the family doctor.
More than 100,000 Americans participated in the survey in 2012. Of these, around 34,500 adults also completed the questionnaire on complementary medicine.
Nearly 30% of patients had used alternative and complementary methods over the past 12 months. But 42% had not told their family doctor.
"The doctor did not ask for it", was the most frequently mentioned cause (57%). In second place was the reason "I assumed that the doctor does not need to know" (46%).
8% assumed that the doctor was unfamiliar with the alternative procedures, only 3% feared a negative reaction or suspected that the family doctor would talk them out of treatment. In 2% of the family doctor had previously advised against an alternative or complementary method. The study can be found here. (Pm)