Garlic all-rounder from the naturopathy

Garlic all-rounder from the naturopathy / Health News

Garlic (Allium sativum) - an old all-rounder from the naturopathy

Known is garlic with us especially as a tasty ingredient of meridian dishes. But also as a home remedy, the toes are recommended against numerous complaints: against hoarseness, heart disease, coughing, deafness and worms. In fact, garlic can do a lot for our health and therefore should not come from the naturopathic point of view.

Garlic: miracle product of natural cuisine. Picture: fastudio4 - fotolia

What garlic can do
Already more than 2000 BC Garlic was known as a tasty spice and is still indispensable in the Mediterranean cuisine. But not only his scent when frying and the typical aroma of the dishes make the garlic worth mentioning: in natural medicine, he still has a firm place as a herbal, now well-researched remedy. The reason for this is its extraordinary effectiveness, especially on gut health. The main active ingredient, allicin, has antibacterial properties. Together with the further active ingredients contained in the sulfuric, ethereal compounds of garlic oil, it becomes a true all-rounder: Garlic detoxifies and soothes the intestines, counteracting flatulence and normalizing bowel movements. Deficiencies of the intestinal flora are compensated and parasites are distributed. The digestive glands, as well as the gallbladder, are stimulated to increase the secretion of secretions and juices. But Allium sativum also has beneficial effects on other organs. It expands the bronchial tubes and has an antispasmodic effect, improves oxygen utilization, has a positive effect on the heart and circulation, increases the heartbeat volume and can slightly lower blood pressure in hypertension.

Garlic as LDL sinker
The cardiovascular effect is mainly due to the ability of garlic, the cholesterol content, especially in the LDL called ("damaging") form, to reduce measurably in the blood. The Committee of Research Natural Medicine e.V. points out in a medicinal plant documentation on scientific evidence to cholesterol-lowering effect: Already in the 1990s, this long been described in naturopathic writings long described observation in England and Canada. The preventive effect of garlic on the blood vessels was comparatively studied under the direction of a Mainz cardiologist and found that the elasticity of the main artery of healthy adults was significantly increased after two years of continuous intake of a garlic powder preparation. This garlic is also a rejuvenating agent. Garlic preparations should be taken over a longer period of time in a total daily amount of 900-1200mg to achieve the effects described.

Disadvantage garlic flag - Tips for low-odor preparations
Although garlic is universally popular for taste and good effect, there is a good reason to exercise restraint in its application: the typical pore and breath odor of its essential ingredients after ingestion. In the case of garlic preparations that are rendered odorless by chemical modification or heating processes, part of their effectiveness is probably already lost in the interventions.
Naturally odor-suppressing should boil up with whole milk, the preparation with spinach or as a garlic soup with peas or lentils. Also, a "mix" of raw garlic with the juice of unsprayed natural lemons (e.g., 30 toes mixed with 5 chopped lemons and boiled briefly in 1 liter of water, 1 liqueur glass daily) is described as being virtually odorless.

In worms, intestinal fungus and dysbiosis of the intestinal flora, the application is best suited as an enema: For this purpose, three cloves of garlic crushed and briefly boiled in 1 liter of water. With an irrigator (in the pharmacy), the preparation cooled to hand-warm can be introduced. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner, 26.01.2010)

Sources + Read more

Dr. med.Veronica Carstens (ed.): "That's how I helped!", Essen 2007
Binder, W .: Naturheilkundliches Ernährungsbrevier, Deggendorf 1987

Recipe with garlic