Could liposomes replace antibiotics?

Could liposomes replace antibiotics? / Health News

Liposomes instead of antibiotics?


A research team under Bern's leadership has developed a new substance to treat serious bacterial infections - without the use of antibiotics. In the future antibiotic resistance could be avoided.

An international team of researchers at the University of Bern has developed an alternative approach to existing antibiotics: the researchers have developed a "protective shield" by means of liposomes, which are man-made nanoparticles formed from constituents of the fat layer of body cells. This captures the toxins released by the bacteria and neutralizes them. As a result, the bacteria are harmless and can be overwhelmed and rendered harmless by the cells of the immune system.

Among other things, liposomes are used to transport drugs into the body. The Bern scientists now put liposomes together in such a way that they attract bacterial toxins and thereby protect the body cells from this dangerous "bombardment". (Pm)

Image: Sebastian Karkus