Small protein cans to meet the need

Small protein cans to meet the need / Health News

Daily protein needs should ideally be covered with several small portions


Protein is essential for the human organism. For example, the body needs it for muscle growth. According to the recommendations of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), every adult should consume about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. The national association of the Bavarian dairy industry (LVBM) in Munich names as reference values ​​for the daily protein intake 50 to 55 grams.

This need can be easily met with natural dairy products. For example, just deliver a 200 gram portion of lean quark „25 grams of valuable milk protein with all the essential amino acids“, so the message of the national association of the Bavarian dairy industry.

According to the recommendation of the LVBM, the intake of the required protein should ideally take place in smaller doses of 10 to 25 grams throughout the day. This facilitates digestion and provides the body with the necessary nutrients continuously. After intensive sports or strength training, for example, a protein-rich quark dessert is recommended to meet the protein requirements. In dairy products, the LVBM is generally one „particularly valuable protein combination of casein, which supplies the muscles with protein for several hours, and whey protein, which contributes to rapid supply“, contain. (Fp)

Picture: Daisies