Small chilies are only occasionally sharper than large ones

Small chilies are only occasionally sharper than large ones / Health News
Around 1,000 different varieties of chilli available in varying degrees of sharpness
The rule of thumb "The smaller the chili, the sharper it is" does not always apply. For there are many exceptions among the approximately 1,000 varieties of chili on the market. The sharpness is determined by the amount of the secondary plant substance capsaicin.

Capsaicin is responsible for the sharpness of the chili
How much capsaicin is in a chili depends, among other things, on the variety, the climate, the soil conditions and the irrigation. The sharpness decreases within the fruit from the fruit approach to the top, as the Association Slow Food Germany in their magazine out (03/2015 edition) reports. To make a chilli a little milder, the partitions can be cut out with the seeds, since it contains most of the capsaicin.

The size of a chili is not critical to its sharpness. Image: Tim UR /

Capsaicin in chilies are healthy
Capsaicin is not only responsible for the pungency, the phytochemical is also considered beneficial to health. So it works relaxing and blood circulation. Applied as an ointment or oil, capsaicin acts like a thermal patches. The chili extract is also used for joint and rheumatic complaints. In addition, capsaicin is said to have an analgesic effect, stimulate digestion and make it easier to breathe deeply in the event of a cold. (Ag)