Children with doctor plays no sexual interest

Children with doctor plays no sexual interest / Health News

Children have no sexual interest in doctoral games


Some parents are worried when they hear that their offspring likes to play doctoral games with others. However, the fears are unfounded: The children do not think about sex. It's about discovering the differences between boys and girls.

„Touching and watching is okay“
Almost all children eventually begin to undress and examine each other. How relaxed parents handle it when they catch their offspring playing doctor's games is often related to their own upbringing and their sexual understanding. Ulric Ritzer-Sachs of the Federal Conference on Educational Counseling points out in a communication by the dpa news agency that it is definitely important to convey the message to the children: „Touching and watching is okay, but you have to be fine.“

How should parents react??
In kindergarten or elementary school, there is still pure fascination for the body parts behind the doctor's games - and no sexual interest. The expert also has a recommendation on how parents should best respond when they surprise their own offspring while examining the nursery: „Then you make sure that everything is okay and retreats“, so Ritzer-Sachs. If parents notice that they can not handle it, one way to say is: „Maybe something else is playing.“

Physical differences between the sexes
If children are especially interested in the differences between the sexes, a book can be interesting in which the body parts are explained. It is also good when parents explain to their offspring: „If you play doctor with your friends, you can do it at home, but not in public.“ Parents should generally start as early as possible to educate their children. For the later development of sexuality it is formative how the parents deal with each other and with the child from birth. Among other things, this includes answering children's questions in an age-appropriate language, but using the correct terms.

Prepare offspring for puberty
This is especially important so that the offspring is better prepared for puberty. In most cases, this time for teenagers is a very boisterous phase with many new feelings, worries and conflicts. And the increased experimentation with sex, often with unwanted consequences: Every year in Germany about 10,000 teenage pregnancies are detected. About half of the affected girls breaks the pregnancy. Often a lack of education of young people played an essential role. (Ad)

> Image: Hermann Kühl