Treat children with pain with home remedies

Treat children with pain with home remedies / Health News

Treat children with pain rather with natural home remedies instead of strong medications


On closer examination, the small print on the leaflets of the medication often has it in itself. The list of side effects can range from allergies, to nausea, to intestinal inflammation, even though it is a "well-tolerated drug.".

The administration of medication sometimes requires patience and honesty towards children, because not always they taste delicious despite the addition of sugar. In addition, the offspring often do not tolerate the active ingredients of the funds. In general, they should therefore only be used when it is necessary to avert serious damage. The use of home remedies can usually help to treat the pain successfully. If the symptoms do not improve after three to five days, but you should rather seek the advice of a doctor.

Teas are good for pharyngitis
For sore throat, which usually arises as a result of a viral disease, there are a lot of home remedies from naturopathy. Herbal teas, for example, with sage or chamomile, are ideal for their anti-inflammatory and germ-inhibiting effects. In general, it is recommended to drink a lot, so that the mucous membranes stay moist. The irritation is weakened a little by this alone. If the little ones are still plagued by fever, sudorific elder or linden flowers help to support the self-healing powers. The Landesapothekerkammer Hessen does not advise the parents to give their children any painkillers, should not get better soon.

For stomach ache, honey helps
If your child suffers from stomach pain, a hot milk with honey can help. Because honey contains substances that calm the stomach lining and have anabolic effect. The heat suppresses the pain at the same time. Generally, children should only take medicines that are approved for the appropriate age. As a parent, it is important to take note of the exact intake requirements, you would like to avoid that the child receives too high a dose.

It is therefore not always necessary and advisable to resort directly to medicines when the child has stomach problems, because at home there are more home remedies available for combating diseases than most people have assumed. The list of ailments of little offspring is long and a look in „Grandma's home remedies book“ It can also help to keep your wallet low. (Fr)

Image: Linda's photo world