Child dies after visiting a dentist

Child dies after visiting a dentist / Health News

Doctor in court: child dies after visiting a dentist.

(16.08.2010) After the two year old Hannes received an anesthetic from the dentist, he did not wake up anymore. Now the anesthetist is on trial for allegedly using a device that is unsuitable for infants. The charge is for bodily harm resulting in death.

Already in January 2009 occurred the incredible incident in which the two-and-a-half-year boy was exposed to a significant lack of oxygen during anesthesia, which was not noticed by the doctors due to the inappropriate instruments, so the prosecutor's charge. The child died two days later after the consequences.

The originally lenient indictment with the charge of negligent homicide was exacerbated by the prosecutor's office in the direction of the more serious offense of assault with fatalities, because she saw enough evidence for a clear blame assigned in this direction. Thus, in the course of the trial, the various experts will be charged to prove the statement of the public prosecutor that the anesthesia machine did not meet the usual safety requirements. The accused anesthetist has so far not commented on the allegations of the prosecutor and against the dental practice, to which the anesthetist was not heard, no preliminary investigation was initiated ...

Both parents appear in the proceedings as co-plaintiffs and demand from the doctor 50,000, - Euro compensation, as the news magazine „Focus“ citing the family lawyer. If the conviction comes, the anesthetist will face imprisonment of up to 15 years. If the accusation of bodily harm resulting in death is not upheld and he is convicted of careless murder, he faces up to 5 years imprisonment. (Fp)