Never leave child and dog alone

Never leave child and dog alone / Health News

Do not leave child and dog unattended


A dog can be the best friend of the child. However, for some dogs, small children are also toys. Other quadrupeds go into a competitive situation or see in the offspring in the „Rudel-hierarchy“ a minor family member. The veterinarian Katrin Voigt advises, therefore, necessarily maintain separate areas of life for toddler and dog.

In addition, it was important to allow the four-legged friends with the toddler in a living room unattended alone. This is the first basic rule to prevent the dog from biting the child, the veterinarian for behavioral therapy in Waldems-Esch said. Parents should define areas in the home where the child and the pet are left alone, advises the expert, who is also the director of the Children and Dog Workshop at the German Association for Dog Training and Behavior Consultants (BHV).

So the child should learn early that the feeding place and the dog sleeping place are taboo. On the other hand, the dog has to learn that he has nothing to look for in bed or in the nursery. To ensure this, the bedroom door of the nursery can simply remain closed. Alternatively, a grid can be placed in front of it. The advice applies to children up to school age. (Sb)

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