Child dies after questionable stem cell therapy

Child dies after questionable stem cell therapy / Health News

A severely handicapped child dies after a stem cell therapy in which the body's own stem cells were injected into the brain.

After stem cell therapy, a two-year-old child died at a private clinic in Düsseldorf. Now investigate the prosecutor against the responsible doctor, which, however, no longer works in the clinic.

After a controversial stem cell therapy, a severely handicapped, two and a half year old child died of massive bleeding. Two more children could be rescued after the complications occurred. Against the treating doctor is now being investigated for negligent homicide and negligent assault, as a spokeswoman for the prosecutor in Dusseldorf announced today. Meanwhile, the clinic announced that the doctor would no longer treat and work in the clinic. Corresponding media reports have now been confirmed by the private clinic.

After stem cell therapy heavy bleeding
Background: Already in August 2010, a physician had injected stem cells into the brain of a severely disabled child of two and a half years. After the stem cell treatment massive hemorrhages occurred in the child. The child was then taken to the Krefelder Hospital, 20 kilometers away. A short time later, the child most likely died as a result of the medical procedure. The three boys, who suffered from brain damage, were taken from the hip bone and injected into the brain.

As the prosecutor said, is currently not determined against the private clinic, although this was the therapy. Although the procedure is technically highly controversial, from the legal point of view but not objectionable. The chosen stem cell therapy of the three children was one „medical experiment“, which the parents had consented to in despair and sorrow. The private clinic has after media reports with the „healing potential“ recruited the stem cell therapy. As the clinic announced, once all other treatments were stopped in this form. So said the lawyer of the clinic: „Until the final clarification, no treatments are performed in which stem cells are injected into the brain of the patient“.

Already in June of this year, the attending physician was targeted by the investigating authorities. At the time, according to press reports, a doctor (9) from Azerbaijan also used stem cell therapy. Here, too, the child suffered heavy bleeding and had to be admitted to the University Hospital Dusseldorf. The doctors at the university hospital were just able to save the child.

According to the competent public prosecutor, the last case is a child from southern Germany. After the procedure, the child had to be transferred to the University Hospital in Heidelberg. The public prosecutor's office did not specify the age and origin of the child.“We suspect that mistakes have been made in the treatment“, said Kumpa. There is a suspicion that the doctor has set the injection wrong. In addition, there is the suspicion that the parents were not properly informed about the possible consequences. „But we also suspect that the parents have not been sufficiently informed about the risks“, said the prosecutor. Furthermore, it would be questionable whether such an intervention was justified in the three young patients at all.

Why is this controversial stem cell therapy even allowed to be performed??
Many professionals and physicians reject this method, in which stem cells are injected into the brain. The Langener Paul Ehrlich Institute, which as a federal agency tests and approves biomedical drugs, has always been very skeptical about it. An up-to-date statement on the method that Xcell practices refers to "adverse effects" that "go beyond what is reasonable in the science of medical science." The Stem Cell Competence Network from North Rhine-Westphalia was recently very worried about the treatment method. We are "deeply worried that some institutions offer stem cell-based therapies whose effects have not been proven". The stem cell center classified stem cell injections into the brain as "experimental.".

But how is it that such a highly controversial method may be used? The reason for this are several loopholes. Paragraph 4a of the Medicines Act is not applied when tissue from a patient is removed, which is transferred back without any "change in material condition". If there are no more promising therapies available, one can resort to the possibility of therapeutic attempts. Then procedures may be used that have not been clinically tested. "However, it is not distinguished whether it is a medically serious and respectable attempt, or whether the commercial activity is in the foreground," said Robert Schäfer, Managing Director of the Medical Association North Rhine, opposite the WDR. Unfortunately, the medical association can not do anything against this method. However, one warned on the own website before the danger of the Stammzellentherapie. During the trial, they wanted to work with the investigative authorities. The Medical Council only has the option of restricting or prohibiting the professional rights of individual physicians. (27.10.2010)

Also read:
Stem cells: Criticism of research results
Stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury
Researchers are replicating stem cells from umbilical cord blood

Image: Monika Torloxten