Anniversary 40 years German Cancer Aid

Anniversary 40 years German Cancer Aid / Health News

German Cancer Aid plays a pioneering role in the fight against cancer


On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the German Cancer Aid, the organization celebrated its anniversary with prominent guests at the Villa Hammerschmidt in Bonn. „The German Cancer Aid has a pioneering role in the fight against cancer“, said in a greeting by Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU), who could not be present in person because of talks about the Ebola aid. „Today we would not be as good at fighting cancer without it.“

German Cancer Aid has so far funded 3,700 projects in the fight against cancer
Since the German Cancer Aid was founded in 1974 by the doctor Mildred Scheel, the wife of the then Federal President Walter Scheel, could until today 3,700 projects under the motto „Help. To research. Inform.“ with the aim of improving the medical and psychosocial care of cancer patients. The German Cancer Aid finances all its activities exclusively from donations and voluntary contributions of the population. While in the first two years already converted almost five million euros could be collected, the amount of donations in 2013 was around 92.1 million euros. Just under half comes from inheritances and bequests.

At the ceremony in the Villa Hammerschmidt, the president of the organization, Fritz Pleitgen, praised the tireless efforts of Mildred Scheel. „Her work was and is a great role model for all of us“, he said in his welcome speech. „Mildred Scheel was a woman who used her strength and energy liberally for others - for people who needed care as well as a sustainable representation of their interests.“ Dr. Helmut Geiger, founding member and Honorary President of the German Cancer Aid, emphasized Scheel's will to fight. „Already in the first session she radiated courage and optimism and one could feel her great energy.“ With that, she was able to win important media and sensitized the public to the subject.

„I thank the German Cancer Aid for their diverse commitment with great recognition“, said Jürgen Nimptsch, mayor of the city of Bonn. „It needs all our support so that its work in the service of humanity can continue to develop well from Bonn.“ (Ag)

Picture: Slydgo