Itching, soaking and hair loss Dry shampoo with many side effects

Itching, soaking and hair loss Dry shampoo with many side effects / Health News
Nightmare for young woman: dry shampoo with drastic side effects
Dry shampoos are seen by many women as a blessing when it comes to fast hair cosmetics. Simply sprayed on and the hair is like new again. However, such products can also have extremely unpleasant side effects, as a young woman from Britain had to learn.

Dry shampoos with unpleasant side effects
Dry shampoos are advertised to give the hair more volume, make it light and grippy and make it appear as freshly washed. That some of these cosmetics, however, may also have side effects such as hair loss and itchy skin rash, is not highlighted. But just such side effects have set in a young woman from the UK. In the social networks, she talks about her nightmare.

Dry shampoos are used by some women as a quick alternative to hair washing. Such sprays can also have serious side effects, as a young woman had to experience. (Image: ipag /

Itchy scalp with sore blisters
Although dry shampoos are a quick alternative to washing hair for some women, 22-year-old Nicole Baxter would have better kept away from it. As reported by the young woman from the Northern Irish Belfast (UK) on Facebook, she was at the doctor's end of last year, as a bald spot on the head was getting bigger. "Anyone who knows me knows that I have little stress and a healthy diet - so I really could not explain why it happened suddenly. My scalp also itched and it made red, painful blisters, "says Baxter. According to her, she was in such pain that sometimes she woke up several times a night.

Hair loss with a peculiar pattern
When the young woman was referred to a dermatologist, he was diagnosed with "triangular alopecia." According to the International Society of Hair Restructuring Surgery, the peculiar pattern of hair loss in Triangular alopecia is characterized by thinning or completely bald areas on the temples. In partial hair loss, the remaining hair are usually tiny according to the experts with a narrow diameter. Triangular alopecia is often noticeable in childhood due to inexplicable hair loss in the temporal region. The cause is unknown so far, but in many cases the disorder can be treated by medication or surgery.

Causes of hair loss often unclear
Even with other forms of hair loss, the causes are often not clear. It is known that, among other iron deficiency or a thyroid disease such as hyperthyroidism can lead to the loss of hair. However, hair loss can also be caused by various other diseases, for example by metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or Crohn's disease, bulimia or anorexia and in rare cases by infectious diseases such as typhus or scarlet fever. Obviously, external influences can also play a role. In Nicole Baxter, the exact cause should be determined by a scalp biopsy. When asked if she had anything in her hair, she replied, "Dry shampoo only." She was then told to come for a biopsy with washed but otherwise untreated hair. "When the day of my biopsy came, I felt really bad - the thought of a NEEDLE IN MY HEAD drove me crazy," the young woman wrote.

Improvement in a few weeks
Even before the biopsy began, Nicole Baxter noticed "that the blisters had gotten better in the last few weeks." This was confirmed by the examining doctor after she compared the scalp with old photos. When the dermatologist asked her what had changed her mind during the last six to seven weeks, she remembered, "I just skipped the dry shampoo." The doctor confirmed the suspicion and said "that the best thing I could have done was that she would not have to operate on me anymore. So I left the hospital with an intact head and some cooling gel. "

Wash your hair
To the "moral of the story" she wrote: "I got a bald spot on the head of dry shampoo. By the way, I still have them - and it's not said that the hair will ever regrow there. "The young Briton warned in her post, to use too much dry shampoo:" Just wash your hair, people! It's not worth having such a terrible spot on your head just because you do not feel like drying your hair. "Her warning was shared and commented on tens of thousands of times within a very short time. A statement of the manufacturer to the allegations, there are, according to media reports yet. (Ad)