Josh Bazell Faster than death

Josh Bazell Faster than death / Health News

Reading tip: Josh Bazell, „Faster than death“.

A former Mafiakiller has come through a dropout program in medicine and now works as a doctor in New York in a hospital. There he lets his sarcasm run wild, until a member of Mafia travel is admitted, who recognizes him. Now the events are going over.

That the author of the book, the American Josh Bazell, studied literature and medicine and even worked in a hospital is traceable in every line. Bazell describes the everyday life of the clinic quite dry and cynical and leaves his main protagonist Dr. Peter Brown, formerly Pietro „bear Claw“ Brnwa was said to act verbally and without compromise verbally as well as physically without being almighty or constructed. Incidentally, Bazell sprinkles recklessly and intelligibly medical facts from the anatomy, physiology and the current medical science. By the way, a medical layman learns what a stroke or fibula is or information about how to deal with a heart attack.

In addition to the current storyline, 300 pages of Pietro's life story and his career in the mafia are narrated. A book for thriller enthusiasts, fans of black humor á la „In China they eat dogs“ and physicians who do not want to have any literature or reference books on the bedside table, is equally suitable. The audio book is also by Christoph Maria Herbst („Stromberg“) read. (tf, 12.10.2010)