Yoghurt and chocolate when falling asleep

Yoghurt and chocolate when falling asleep / Health News

Yogurt and chocolate help with sleep problems


Most people have trouble falling asleep from time to time. Whether reading, relaxation exercises, count sheep or a warm milk with honey at bedtime - there are many known advices against the hours of watching.

Yoghurt and chocolate are like milk with honey
But now the National Association of Bavarian Dairy (LVBM) has a new tip: According to a cup of lean yoghurt and then a piece of chocolate would have a calming effect and thereby help with sleep problems. Because this combination has the same effect as a cup of warm milk with honey. However, according to the Bavarian dairy association, this method could only be effective if it was actually going to bed at the latest 15 minutes after consumption - because „otherwise the effect will fizzle again“, so the LVBM.

Soothing effect due to ingredients of the milk
According to the LVBM, the explanation for the calming effect of yoghurt and chocolate is found in the milk, which contains the protein building block tryptophan, which is the raw material for the production of the hormone serotonin. And „the higher the serotonin level, the quieter and more relaxed you feel and fall asleep more easily“, so continues the state association. But the body can not produce this protein component itself, so the LVBM for protein is necessary: „After enjoying protein-rich meals, the protein component flows into the blood and is transported to the brain, where it is converted into serotonin.“

However, there are other protein building blocks in the milk, which, however, are not soothing, but rather stimulating on the contrary. However, this would counteract chocolate or honey as well, because both contain sugar and this „ensures that most of the protein building blocks, with the exception of tryptophan, are stored in the muscles“, according to the LVBM. (Sb)

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Image: Simone Hainz