Yogurt and fruit against Parkinson's

Yogurt and fruit against Parkinson's / Health News

Study: Substances present in yogurt and fruit counteract Parkinson's


Parkinson's disease is considered to be incurable, but researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) have now identified two substances - D-lactate and glycolate - which can halt the disease process and even counteract it preventively. Both substances are naturally present in yoghurt and unripe fruits, for example.

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the death of nerve cells in the brain region Substantia nigra, which in turn is due to a failure of cell power plants (mitochondria). The two discovered substances D-lactate and glycolate have in experiments with human cells and roundworms to restore the functionality of the cell power plants and thus ensures the survival of nerve cells, reports the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden.

Both D-lactate and glycolate are products of the DJ-1 gene that stumbled upon researchers Teymuras Kurzchalia and Tony Hyman when they were working on various other issues at the Max Planck Institute. For a long time DJ-1 was considered one „cancer causing oncogene“, reports the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. In 2003, scientists showed that DJ-1 is primarily associated with Parkinson's. In recent investigations, DJ-1 was finally assigned to the family of glyxolases, „which was previously considered exclusively for detoxifying genes“, so the message of the institute. They convert the aggressive aldehyde groups, which are produced as waste in mitochondria, into neutral compounds, rendering them harmless.

Degradation of nerve cells in trials stopped
However, the scientists of the Max Planck Institute have now discovered another function of the gene: DJ-1 is indispensable for the production of D-lactate and glycolate, thus ensuring that mitochondria can maintain their efficiency. Functional impairments of the DJ-1 gene can therefore cause a failure of the cell power plants and in this way the death of the nerve cells in the brain. In experiments with sick human cells on the Petri dish and in cells of roundworms whose mitochondria had already ceased to function, the researchers from the Max Planck Institute discovered that the supply of D-lactate and glycolate stops the breakdown of nerve cells can. „All cells became healthy again“, so the message of the institute.

Yogurt enriched with D-lactate
„If neurons are attacked and dying - for example, by the herbicide paraquat or if the gene DJ-1 is not working properly - then D-lactate and glycolate are the salvation“, report the scientists of the Max Planck Institute. Through the two substances, the toxic effect of the weed control agent was significantly reduced in tests and the functionality of the cell power plants was restored. The researchers hope to be able to use this effect in the future for the treatment and prevention of Parkinson's. For example, be „Products such as D-lactate-fortified yoghurt“ conceivable, „which could counteract the onset of Parkinson's disease preventively.“

Substances can also be used against other diseases
Although remains unclear so far, „how exactly the two substances will achieve the healing and preventive effect, but the next step will be to explore the molecular mechanisms in detail“, Hyman and Kurzchalia report that they have already patented their discovery for safety's sake. They believe that the glycolase products may be useful not only for Parkinson's but also for other diseases characterized by a decline in mitochondrial activity. (Fp)

Image: Medienleiter / markus leiter, Pixelio