Yoghurt, Kefir & Co simply homemade

Yoghurt, Kefir & Co simply homemade / Health News
Yoghurt, Kefir & Co .: Do it yourself
In the supermarket, the variety of dairy products is great. Quite simply, many of them can also be prepared in your own kitchen. The effort is rewarded with the natural taste.

Fans of freshly pulled kefir order "Kefir" rolls on the Internet, which in addition to various lactic acid bacteria also contain yeast cultures. They convert the milk sugar to carbon dioxide and some alcohol. Take a preserving jar of kefir rolls and room-warm milk. Close tightly and place in a room protected from light at room temperature. Pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene. After one to two days pour the fermented beverage through a plastic sieve into a second container. Ready is the sparkling-foaming kefir. The cultures are rinsed off and can be reused.

Yogurt can be quickly and easily prepared by yourself. Image: ji_images - fotolia

Even easier is a kind of buttermilk: Fresh lukewarm milk is stirred in a bowl with two tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice. After 15 minutes, the mixture has become thicker and is filled in a glass. Covered with a cheesecloth, the homemade buttermilk is stable in the fridge for about a week.

Anyone who has tried homemade yoghurt appreciates the difference to the purchased product. One liter of H-milk is heated to around 37 degrees Celsius. Then add a pinch of lactic acid cultures or a 200g jug of natural yogurt. When milk and yoghurt have the same fat content, the yoghurt becomes firmer. The mixture is then stirred and the mixture is filled into small jars, which are kept warm in a yoghurt maker for 5-11 hours. It must not be warmer than 45 degrees, otherwise the bacteria will die. In addition, vibrations should be avoided so as not to disturb the lactic acid fermentation. If you do not have a yoghurt maker, you can use the oven - heat to 45 degrees, put the jars in the oven and turn off the oven after 15 minutes.

When the yoghurt is ready, it comes in the fridge. It can be spiced up with juice, fresh fruit or some honey. The Turkish yoghurt drink Ayran tastes especially refreshing. For this, add 400 ml of yogurt with 200 ml of cold water and a little salt until frothy. Then season with a little lemon juice, basil or cumin and serve ice-cold. Heike Kreutz, aid.