Yogurt, sesame and rice bran oil lower blood pressure

Yogurt, sesame and rice bran oil lower blood pressure / Health News

Current study: Yogurt, sesame and rice bran oil lower blood pressure


It has long been known that eating habits have a decisive influence on health. Two US studies have now shown that yogurt, sesame and rice bran oil are especially recommended for hypertensives as they lower blood pressure.

A combination of oil and medication reduces blood pressure the most
The study's findings, which looked at the effects of sesame and rice bran oil on hypertensives, were recently presented at the American High Blood Pressure Research meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA) in Washington. The scientists reported that 300 hypertensives in New Delhi, India, with mild to moderately elevated blood pressure were studied in the study. You should take either 35 grams of the oil blend in the form of a salad dressing or 30 milligrams of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine or both over a period of 60 days.

The researchers performed blood pressure measurements on the subjects at 15, 30, 45, and 60 days, and found that blood pressure was significantly reduced in all three groups. With the drug nifedipine the systolic pressure decreased by 16,2 mmHg, with the oil mixture by 14 mmHg and in the group, which took a combination of calcium channel blocker and oil, the blood pressure even decreased by 36 mmHg. „A blend of sesame and rice bran oil reduces blood pressure almost as well as the usual medication“, reports the AHA on its website. „Those who took a combination of oil and medication had a more than twofold drop in blood pressure than the group who only took medications or those who used the oil blend just to supplement their diet.“

In addition, the lipid levels decreased by 18 percent (total cholesterol) through the oil blend. „Rice bran and semsam oil is low in saturated fat and appears to improve patients' cholesterol profile, "said Devarajan Sankar, a scientist in the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases at Chikushi Hospital at Fukuoka University in Chikushino, Japan. „In addition, it can reduce the risk of heart disease in other ways, even as a substitute for less healthy oils and fats in the diet. "

Yoghurt reduces hypertension risk
The second study looked at the effect of daily consumption of yogurt on blood pressure. For this purpose, 2,000 subjects were accompanied for 15 years. At the beginning of the study, the participants' average pressure was 117/72 mmHg. Subjects who consumed at least two percent of their calories from low-fat yoghurt (60 milliliters daily) during the study period had a nearly one-third reduced risk of hypertension at 15 years compared to non-yogurt subjects. „A recent study found that people who ate yoghurt in the long term were less likely to develop high blood pressure and on average had lower systolic blood pressure than those who did not eat yoghurt“, writes the AHA. (Ag)

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Picture: twinlili