Now protect from the flu

Now protect from the flu / Health News

The flu season begins


The next flu epidemic could be much more severe than last year. Experts point out and advise certain risk groups to vaccine against influenza. In particular, chronically ill people with heart disease, diabetes or asthma, all over 60-year-olds, medical staff, people in occupations with a lot of public and pregnant women should not give up vaccination, emphasize the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) in a joint communication.

Influenza vaccination for certain risk groups
„In order to reduce the individual disease risk, all protection against flu should be used“, emphasizes Reinhard Burger, President of the RKI. The best time for the flu shot is in October and November. The seasonal vaccines are assembled each year from the currently circulating virus types worldwide. „The vaccine for the season 2014/2015 is unchanged in its composition compared to the preseason“, explains Klaus Cichutek, President of the PEI. However, a re-vaccination would still be useful because the protection probably only one flu season and would depend on many factors. After the vaccination it takes about ten to 14 days until the flu protection is completely established. Unlike last year, there is already enough vaccine available so that bottlenecks are unlikely this year. „The PEI has so far released a good 15 million vaccine doses“, it says in the message.

RKI: Pregnant women should be vaccinated against the flu
In principle, anyone can be vaccinated against the seasonal influenza, unless there are medical reasons against it. However, the experts of the RKI, PEI and the BZgA recommend that certain risk groups, such as chronic patients, senior citizens, medical staff and people with high public access, be vaccinated. But pregnant women should be vaccinated according to the communication against influenza. „Immune defenses are less active during pregnancy, making pregnant women more susceptible to infections and increasing the risk of severe flu. The influenza vaccination of the expectant mother also protects the child after birth“, explains Elisabeth Pott, Director of the BZgA.

A survey of pregnant women found that in the 2012/2013 season only 23.2 percent of pregnant women were vaccinated against seasonal influenza. 30 percent of the pregnant women did not know that a flu vaccine was recommended for them. Most survey respondents cited low risk perception and lack of trust in the vaccine as reasons.

New flu vaccines available
In addition to the trivalent inactive vaccines that have been available for years and the vaccine for over-65s with potentiators, there are two additional tetravalent vaccines available this season. „One of these vaccines is the nasal spray vaccine for children and adolescents aged three to 17 years. There is also a cell culture vaccine (chicken egg white allergy) and two intradermal vaccines“, inform the experts in the message.

Although no one can say with any certainty that the virus variants contained in the vaccine actually do correspond to those circulating in winter, since the vaccine is produced with a long lead, the flu vaccine is highly recommended for at-risk groups, especially those with weakened immune systems. For older people, the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases due to age. Among the vaccinated elderly, about two-thirds are protected from the flu. „As a result of the annual flu vaccine, fewer severe flu illnesses and secondary diseases (eg pneumonia) occur and the individual risk of disease is reduced“, write the experts.

How useful is the flu vaccine for people who are not among the risk groups?
Away from the risk groups, there is often uncertainty as to whether a flu vaccine is actually necessary, because in healthy people, severe flu courses are rare. In addition, unwanted side effects may occur after vaccination. Thus, vaccination opponents indicate that, for example, redness, pain and slight swelling at the injection site could occur. In addition, it comes in some cases to severe fatigue, body aches and shivering due to the flu vaccine. Since the inoculants in addition to the active ingredients usually contain preservatives based on formaldehyde and mercury compounds, could also cause allergies and intolerances. In addition, the risk of infection from influenza viruses can be reduced even by simple hygienic measures such as regular hand washing and coughing and sneezing in the crook or in a disposable handkerchief. (Ag)

Picture: Andreas Hermsdorf