Now switching to private health insurance?

Now switching to private health insurance? / Health News

Healthcare Reform: Are private health insurance companies now more attractive? We show when and for whom a change could be worthwhile.

(07.07.2010) Due to the adopted health care reform, the contributions of the statutory health insurance funds for the approximately 50 million insured persons will be significantly higher. For some of the insured a change in a private health insurance (PKV) could be worthwhile, but the majority of the statutory health insurance insured must remain in the statutory health insurance, as a change to a private health insurance succeeds without hurdles. Meanwhile, private health insurance companies attract with attractive conditions.

Due to the saving policy of the federal government as well as the large deficit of the health insurance companies, the contributions of the health insurance funds will increase significantly from 2011. For the coming year 2011, a deficit of around 11 billion euros is expected, if not controlled in time against. Thus, the general cash contribution is raised to 15.5 percent. In addition, the employer's share is frozen at 7.3 percent. This means that future contributions have to be paid out of pocket. And further contribution increases of the health insurance companies are already apparent. In addition, the additional contribution is to be released, which means so much that the health insurance from 2011 to determine the amount of additional contributions themselves.

All of these could be reasons why self-employed, freelancers or employees who are currently voluntarily insured by the law should change. Currently, private health insurance companies are attracting with favorable conditions and individually adjustable service catalogs. From 2011, all insured persons are expected to be able to switch to private health insurance under simplified conditions.

A change to the private health insurance could be worthwhile for voluntarily statutory health insurance.
For voluntarily insured employees a change in the private health insurance could be an advantage. Employees who are above the insurance limit of currently 4,162.50 euros gross, must grab from next year, strong in the bag. If one adds the expected additional contributions to the contribution increases, an additional additional burden of around 100 euros per month arises. If you calculate skillfully and the package of private health insurance checks exactly, you can save some costs. Because if you leave family doctor rates or a corresponding deductible, the PKV contributions can be kept low. At the same time you still have a claim to naturopathy treatments, for example, a naturopath, a chief physician treatment or single beds in the hospital. And yet you pay less than before. But be careful, if you're planning to have another child, then you should carefully calculate this. Because children are not automatically insured with the PKV in contrast to the legal. In the private health insurance everyone must be insured individually. In addition, the principle remains that once you leave the statutory health insurance, the way back is blocked.

Access to private health insurance should be facilitated.
The so-called three-year rule is expected to be abolished from 2011 onwards. This means that employees only have to stay above the compulsory insurance limit for 12 months each month in order to switch to private health insurance. At the moment, however, the three-year rule, which requires three years to be above the set rate. Beginners should even be given the decision whether they want to insure themselves privately or by law. (Sb)

Also read:
Health insurance: additional contributions soon unlimited?
Sharp criticism of health insurance premium increases
Additional contributions as hidden capitation?

Picture: Margot Kessler