Now debt relief on health insurance

Now debt relief on health insurance / Health News

New regulation allows temporary debt relief for health insurance


Contributors and persons who do not have health insurance should take advantage of the opportunity to cancel their debt and return to health insurance provided by the legislator „Law on the elimination of social overburdening of contribution debts in health insurance“ until the end of the year, according to a recent communication from the consumer center North Rhine-Westphalia.

„Especially those who are not covered by health insurance or temporarily without illness protection, shy away from going to a health insurance“, usually due to the additional demands, which are due for the period without health insurance since the introduction of compulsory insurance, reports the consumer center. Not infrequently contribution debts in the amount of several thousand euros come together in this way. In order to free those affected from their debts and to enable them to return to health insurance, the legislature has opted for a temporary new regulation.

Temporary new regulation relieves premium debtors
From the 1st of August to the end of the year, the new regulation applies to the contributors of the health insurance funds. According to Federal Ministry of Health „Benefit in particular people who, despite the existing since 1 April 2007 compulsory insurance in the statutory health insurance late or not yet reported to a health insurance and thereby accumulated contribution debts, but have never used benefits.“ Those affected should, according to the Ministry „until 31 December 2013 to the health insurance, they get the contribution debts for past periods as well as the Säumniszuschläge adopted and can fulfill their compulsory insurance.“ Even persons who already have a statutory health insurance, but who still owe contributions to benefit from the new rules, because the late payment surcharge is permanently reduced by the Federal Ministry of Health from five percent to one percent.

Emergency tariff for private health insurance (PKV)
In addition, with the law „introduced in private health insurance an emergency tariff for defaulting contributors“, reports the Federal Ministry of Health. Private insured persons, who can not raise their contributions, will be grouped according to current law - also retroactively - in an emergency tariff according to the explanation of the consumer center North Rhine-Westphalia. Also, those who were not yet insured when joining a private health insurance scheme would be issued the so-called premium surcharge, which would be levied on the basis of compulsory insurance for the insurance-free period. This is calculated according to the consumer advocates normally „from a full monthly contribution for the first six months and one sixth for every other month.“

Allow return to health insurance
The Federal Minister of Health Daniel Bahr stressed that „Everybody in Germany should have health insurance coverage for the necessary services, irrespective of pre-existing conditions, age, gender and income.“ Of course, contributions would have to be paid for this - „that's what the solidarity community expects“, but since the introduction of compulsory insurance formerly not insured „get into a whirlwind of high late payments and contribution debts.“ These people should be helped to take the contribution and return to insurance coverage. The privately insured will also be offered the possibility of an affordable health insurance with the emergency tariff. „For those concerned, this regulation is a great relief“, so the conclusion of the Federal Minister of Health.

No remission of debts from regular contributions
According to the statement of the Federal Ministry of Health, the new regulations make it possible „On the one hand, a noticeable financial relief for those affected, on the other hand, the principle of contributory justice remains with regard to the paying members of the solidary community“, because the regulations on debt relief „exclusively on the period of retrospective insurance coverage“ restrict. As a rule, no benefits were granted or no costs incurred during this period. „ A decree on regular contributions, for example for defaulting voluntarily insured self-employed, is not provided for“, Since they were able to claim benefits despite contributory debts and were also aware of the obligation to pay contributions - in contrast to many unreported members - the ministry reports. (Fp)

Picture: GG-Berlin