Do not wait for incontinence, but act

Do not wait for incontinence, but act / Health News

Incontinence: do not wait, but act: unrecorded tab high


According to estimates, about one in ten suffers from incontinence - but the number of unreported cases is higher. According to recent surveys of the German continence society, 60 percent of those affected are not going to the doctor. It is advisable to go to the urologist at the first sign of bladder weakness. For this disease remains residual urine in the bladder, which provides bacteria with a good breeding ground and can lead to painful inflammation. In addition, going to the urologist is important in men to differentiate benign prostate enlargement from possible prostate cancer. Both diseases can lead to incontinence. This is indicated by the North Rhine medical network, the Uro GmbH Nordrhein.

Women: Stress incontinence also occurs in younger ones
Women suffer from bladder weakness two to four times more frequently than men. In addition to overactive bladder or kidney disease, which cause equally morbid urinary frequency in both genders, urinary or bladder infections often cause incontinence in women. In addition, women are increasingly suffering from the so-called stress incontinence, including many younger. „Here, urine is when coughing, laughing, sneezing, getting up with a full bladder, during sports, lifting, so with physical stress“, urologist explains Reinhold Schaefer from the medical network. „The closing mechanism of the urethra does not work reliably.“ The cause is usually a weak pelvic floor. This is weaker in women per se, pregnancies and births do the rest.

Men: Incontinence can be a sign of prostate cancer
In men, however, the so-called urge incontinence is the most common type of incontinence. An uncontrollable contraction of the bladder muscle then leads to involuntary loss of urine. What many do not know: starting incontinence can be an indication of a benign prostate enlargement, in the worst case, but also on a prostate cancer. „When the prostate enlarges, it presses on the urinary bladder and disturbs bladder emptying. Left untreated, serious consequences such as infection or kidney failure may result“, affirms Shepherd. For the treatment it makes sense to keep a fluid balance, the so-called micturition protocol, for two to three weeks. In addition, a urine analysis indicates possible kidney disease.

Incontinence can be treated in most cases and often even cured. „It is never too late for a treatment“, appeals Dr. Schaefer to sufferers. „In all cases, the conversation between doctor and patient about the course and degree of the illness is an important precursor for therapy and healing.“ Experts also recommend exercises such as regular pelvic floor training to strengthen the bladder sphincter - for women and men. Women with stress urinary incontinence should generally refrain from jogging, as the shattering movements strain the pelvic floor. (Om)