Incontinence Little drinking is no solution

Incontinence Little drinking is no solution / Health News
More than five million Germans are suffering from mild to severe bladder weakness, ie incontinence. For those affected, swinging when they are on the move, always the fear of having to go to the bathroom suddenly. Many sufferers therefore try to drink as little as possible. However, anyone who drinks too little for fear of incontinence even favors the urge to urinate. This is indicated by the Uro-GmbH Nordrhein, an association of established urologists.

"If you do not provide your kidneys with enough fluids, you need to go to the bathroom more often," says dr. Reinhold Schaefer from the Uro GmbH. "Kidneys produce a highly concentrated urine in the case of dehydration, which irritates the bladder and increases the urgency." In addition, this behavior feeds urinary tract infections, because kidneys and bladder must be flushed, otherwise set bacteria. In addition to sufficient fluid intake of about 1.5 liters per day, urologists advise sufferers to clarify the causes of bladder weakness. Incontinence is basically not an inevitable fate, but can be treated by specialist care and effective treatment methods and often cure. The treatment builds on a comprehensive clarification of the medical history. Urine and ultrasound examinations also play an important role in the diagnosis. "For the treatment it makes sense to keep a fluid balance, the so-called micturition protocol for two to three weeks. In addition, a urine analysis indicates possible kidney disease, " Shepherd. Depending on the type of disease, urologists rely on simple or comprehensive therapeutic measures. For example, pelvic floor training offers a simple treatment option. (Pm)

Picture credits: Stephanie Hofschlaeger