Incontinence bladder weakness should not be a taboo topic

Incontinence bladder weakness should not be a taboo topic / Health News
Incontinence is almost always treatable, but not without medical assistance
Bladder weakness and incontinence is a relatively common complaint, but it remains a taboo subject. "Many sufferers keep their problem to themselves, because they feel ashamed and feel alone," reports the University Hospital Bonn on the occasion of the World Continence Week, which starts on 21 June. However, after diagnosis, all forms of incontinence can theoretically be treated. Ruth Kirschner-Hermanns, Head of the Continence and Pelvic Floor Center at the University Hospital Bonn and the Rehabilitation Center Godeshöhe.

Incontinence is usually extremely uncomfortable and many isolate themselves in the episode more and more. Especially elderly people tend to leave because of bladder weakness only rarely their apartment, reports the Bonn expert. A fatal decision, because the doctor could definitely help them. After an exact diagnosis, however inconvenient, all incontinence forms can be treated, says Prof. Kirschner-Hermanns. "Most of the victims, however, out of shame on it, to seek early in the pelvic floor defects such as incontinence help," reports the senior physician. Anke Mothes, Coordinator at the Interdisciplinary University Pelvic Floor Center Jena of the Gynecological Clinic at the University Hospital Jena (UKJ).

Many sufferers do not seek a doctor despite incontinence, but they could usually be helped. (Image: SENTELLO /

Every tenth German suffers from incontinence
About one in ten Germans suffers from incontinence, according to the UKJ, and the risk increases with age. "The average age of our patients is 67 years" Anke Mothes. However, the causes of pelvic floor problems are usually to be found in younger age. In particular, frequent carrying heavy weights, obesity or chronic cough could reduce the elasticity of the connective tissue of the pelvic organs, the UKJ reports. "Incontinence should no longer be a taboo topic. Because the patients can be effectively helped today with modern methods ", emphasizes the expert.

Experts inform about risk factors and treatment options
Numerous clinics in Germany, such as the Münster University Hospital, the University Hospital of Bonn or the University Hospital Jena, plan to provide information and counseling on all aspects of bladder weakness and incontinence during the World Continence Week. Also about risk factors and treatment options will be informed here. The first World Continence Week was initiated in 2009 by the German Continence Society with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence. "This year's action week from June 20 to 26 will also see more than 100 events, such as patient information sessions, telephone hotlines or continuing education courses for physicians," says the UKJ. (Fp)