Incontinence pelvic floor training helps

Incontinence pelvic floor training helps / Health News


A Cochrane analysis has confirmed that pelvic floor training is effective in incontinence. Eight times more women are cured with the training of incontinence than without therapy or with placebo and sham treatment.

Researchers from Montreal have evaluated the results of 18 studies involving 1051 women with stress, urgency or mixed incontinence. Of these, 541 women underwent pelvic floor training under guidance, and 510 women were in control groups without therapy or with placebo and sham treatment.

It was found that after pelvic floor training, significantly more women were healed than without training. In the studies on stress incontinence, 56.1% felt that women with pelvic floor training were cured, compared with only 6% in the control groups. Overall, eight times as many women felt healed after training. Women suffering from urge or mixed incontinence also benefited significantly from pelvic floor training, although the effect was not as great as in the stress incontinence studies. (Pm)

Image: Julien Christ