Individual therapies for polyneuropathy

Individual therapies for polyneuropathy / Health News
Polyneuropathy: Individual therapy leads to success
Nerve pain, bad sensations, restless legs at night and the inability to walk or stand normally - those who suffer from polyneuropathy often have to restrict themselves increasingly in their everyday lives. Polyneuropathy refers to the gradual breakdown of the peripheral nerves from the ends. Frequently, inflammatory processes are involved. The causes are many.

Among diabetics, the disease is particularly common. Toxic substances also seem to play an important role. From a medical school perspective, there is no therapy that could reverse or arrest polyneuropathy. However, experience with Chinese medicine shows the opposite.

Therapy for polyneuropathy. Image: Bernhard Schmerl - fotolia

There is no one cause of polyneuropathy, rather it is a disease in which several factors are often involved. Every single factor has a potential for damage. If the total reaches a critical value, the disease breaks out. "The most well-known causes include diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, diseased protein deposits, toxins and medicines, as well as inflammation and immune disorders," explains the chief physician of the Klinik am Steigerwald. Christian Schmincke.

Because the disease has individual reasons for each patient, personal medical history plays an important role in Chinese medicine. In order to successfully treat disease symptoms and their causes, Chinese medicine experts spend a lot of time on the history of polyneuropathy patients. Diseases in childhood as well as information about sleep and sweating behavior, digestive function or mental well-being flow. By means of Chinese diagnostics, they recognize even the finest body signals that conventional medicine does not consider. It helps pulse and tongue diagnosis.

Only when individual causes are established do TCM experts begin to treat polyneuropathy. The central treatment of Chinese medicine in polyneuropathy is the Chinese drug therapy. "The formulations consist of medicinal drugs, which are designed on a case-by-case basis and modified according to the respective course of therapy," explains Dr. med. Schmincke. There are also alternative therapy methods such as acupuncture, qigong, body therapies and nutritional science. "With this mix of therapies to stop or reverse the disease process succeeds in about 80 percent of patients," adds Dr. med. Schmincke, who has treated more than 2,500 PNP patients in his clinic so far.

Help for self-help in polyneuropathy
Diet: This is often about the reduction of the "excess". In addition, meat and dairy products in moderation, vegetables as the cornerstone of the diet, a hot breakfast, coffee and avoid alcohol and by evening fasting relieve the metabolism.

Movement: "Long sitting is the mother of the 1000 diseases", but: moderate exercise is better than going beyond its performance limits!

Sleep: Cleansing and regeneration preferably take place during sleep. Just the sick need him. Sleeping pills on the other hand destroy the sleep architecture. And: unfinished, even emotional disturbing sleep

Self-massage: put on mild stimuli, for example with a lens foot bath. Place uncooked lentils in a pan and gently move your feet. Lenses exert a particularly good touch on the feet.

Defecation: control incoming and outgoing goods and allow time, laxatives are only a stopgap.

Dealing with infections: Humans need respiratory infections as immuno-training, so you should allow the body time to cope even with the infection.