Individual Online Stress Level Test This test shows how stressed people are

Individual Online Stress Level Test This test shows how stressed people are / Health News
Graphic shows you the personal stress level
"Less Stress" was the most frequently mentioned resolution for 2016 in a survey. But in today's fast-paced time with appointments and constant accessibility, this is not easy to implement. A stress test on the internet shows them how exhausted they are. With a few simple tips can reduce the individual stress level.

Excessive stress is unhealthy
Permanent stress puts a strain on your health. Among other things, it can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension or myocardial infarction, cause gastrointestinal ulcers, induce insomnia or back pain. An increased susceptibility to infection, tinnitus, rash, diarrhea or constipation can also be the result. Health experts say that excessive stress can affect every organ in the human body. But how should one manage to avoid stress during mails, meetings and overtime? And how do you find out how charged you really are? Some tricks can help with the former. For the latter, there is now a new online stress test.

Most people want less stress in life. A new online test shows you how exhausted you are. (Image: Konstantin Yuganov /

How stressed they really are?
The British provider "Pound Place" has published a graph that helps to adequately assess individual stress levels. The diagram combines findings from the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy and the Stress Management Society. With the help of the questions from top to bottom you can quickly find out if and how much you are stressed. It starts with the question: "How well did you sleep last night?" And then you can continue working on the basis of given answers down. Just give it a try.

Tips and tricks to reduce stress
At the end of the graphic you will find a few practical tips on how best to deal with the respective degree of stress. Basically suitable for stress relief are yoga or autogenic training. Even progressive muscle relaxation relieves stress in the job and at leisure. Relaxed tea drinking or barefoot running are also small exercises that can help against everyday stress. And recently, psychologists from the US reported another way that helps reduce stress: by helping other people. (Ad)