Individual dosage of antibiotics required

Individual dosage of antibiotics required / Health News

Physicians call for individual parameters for dosage of antibiotics: physicians from the Athens Alfa- Institute call for the dosage of antibiotics in the future, a more individualized calculation.

Dr. Matthew E. Falagas, the director of the Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences (AIBS) in Athens, and his colleague Drosos E Karageorgopoulos demanded in the medical journal "The Lancet" (volume 375, issue 9710), which has been published since 1823, that in the light of this The more and more antibiotic resistance should give the body weight individually tailored dosage.

Because to achieve the same drug effect, obese and large people, of course, need a higher dose than slim and small. In addition, there is a previously ignored factor: namely, that in obese people in the fatty tissue certain substances are stored, which then can not be used in the treatment.

In paediatrics, it goes without saying that the drug administration is based on body mass and weight. Even computer-aided programs were already available that would make it easier for the prescribing physicians to individually dose them in everyday practice. But still it is going too much „Scheme F“ and too little on the individual patient, Falagas and Karageorgopoulos.

With a dose of antibiotics and other antimicrobials calculated according to each patient's body mass, one can be sure that all pathogens will be killed and less risk of developing antibiotic resistance. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy 16.01.2010)