Frequent joint disease doctor warns of smartphone thumb

Frequent joint disease doctor warns of smartphone thumb / Health News

Through intensive use of mobile threatens "smartphone thumb"

Mobile phones and smartphones have become an indispensable everyday companion for many people. Especially for the majority of teenagers a life without the small devices is hardly conceivable today. This can have health consequences, because too intensive a mobile phone use threatens "phone diseases" like the "smartphone thumb".

Mobile phones are turned on 53 times a day

Smartphones and cell phones have become indispensable in our everyday lives, especially not for the youngest. For example, a study showed that many children only endure for 30 minutes without a mobile phone, until regular withdrawal symptoms appear. But even adults can hardly keep their hands off it: according to a study by researchers at the University of Bonn, cell phone owners activate their device 53 times a day on average. This can have health consequences: intensive use of mobile phones favors "phone diseases" such as the "smartphone thumb".

According to an investigation, smartphone owners turn on their device 53 times a day on average. Through intensive use of mobile phones threaten "Phone diseases" like the "smartphone thumb". (Image: Rido / fotolia, com)

Smartphone usage with health consequences

It has been known for some time that the ever more intensive use of smartphones will not be without health consequences.

Studies have shown that such devices reduce the quality of sleep in children and adolescents and lead to speech and concentration disorders.

In addition, experts assume that the constant use of smartphones will increase myopia.

Furthermore, threatened by the posture with lowered head postural disorders such as neck tension.

Last but not least, people who are constantly texting, surfing and whatsapping risk having a thumb pain.

Frequent "Phone Diseases"

"The joints and tendons of the thumb are over-burdened by the one-sided, monotonous and long-lasting movement in high frequency, in which also pressure is exerted," explains the occupational physician DDr. Karl Hochgatterer from Upper Austria's Perg in the current issue of the health magazine "MEDIZIN popular", in which there is a contribution to the most common "Phone diseases".

The tendons rub inside the tendon sheaths due to congestion, often resulting in tendonitis - with painful consequences both during exercise and at rest.

According to experts, smartphones should generally be used for a short time to prevent such complaints.

In addition, it is advisable to limit oneself to the most necessary use and to transfer activities beyond that, such as writing e-mails to the computer.

This can help reduce the risk of "phone illnesses" such as "smartphone thumb" or "cell phone neck". (Ad)