Frequent Oats Eating can prevent diabetes and relieve skin diseases

Frequent Oats Eating can prevent diabetes and relieve skin diseases / Health News
Healthy Cereal: Oats help against diabetes and skin ailments
The healing power of oats was already known in the Middle Ages. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), healthy grains are used, among other things, to control blood sugar levels. Also for the relief of skin diseases, the medicinal plant of the year 2017 is suitable.

Health benefits of oats known for centuries
Most people probably know oats mainly through oatmeal or biscuits. Already in the Middle Ages one knew, how healthy the grain is. Oats are also used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), for example to keep blood sugar levels under control. The grain is not only gluten-free, but also rich in nutrients, such as the minerals magnesium, iron and zinc and vitamins B1 and B6.

Oat is one of the healthiest cereals ever. He helps against diabetes and skin disorders. In 2017, Oats is the medicinal plant of the year. (Image: Timmary /

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
The Study Group "History of Development of the Medicine Clinic" at the University of Würzburg has named the oat oat to the medicinal plant of the year 2017.

"If we talk about medicinal plants, one certainly does not immediately think of cereals," says a statement from the university. "The oats (Avena sativa), however, provide several, very different remedies."

As Johannes Gottfried Mayer of the study group explained, his range of uses extends from the treatment of the skin via gastrointestinal diseases to the prevention of atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Three different remedies
The oat provides a total of three different remedies: In addition to the oat straw win recently herb and grain in importance. The oat straw is used for baths, which are to help with skin injuries and itching.

For the use of the herb, the oats are harvested before it is flowering. The herb is rich in anti-inflammatory flavonoids and immunomodulatory saponins and has a high content of minerals. Extracts of oat grass are used, among other things, for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis (psoriasis).

In the 1990s, a particularly suitable white oat variety was obtained in France, which is free of proteins, including gluten. Corresponding skincare products such as creams, body milk and bath additives are particularly well tolerated by allergy sufferers.

Positive effects on cholesterol and blood sugar levels
As the university further informs, the fruit, the oat grain, is used as a fully ripe grain. In addition to a high content of vitamins B1 and B6, it also provides a lot of fiber. The beta-glucans are of particular interest, accounting for about half of the total fiber content in oats.

According to Mayer, oat beta-glucans have effects on the digestive tract and metabolism, with positive effects on cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the foreground. The European Food Safety Authority confirmed in 2011 that consumption of oat beta-glucan may help lower cholesterol levels. (Ad)