Reading common books increases life expectancy

Reading common books increases life expectancy / Health News
Scientists are finding a new good reason to read more books
There is good news for all people who like to read books often. Researchers found that reading can save us from premature death. Those who read regularly may live much longer.

Does it affect our lifespan when we regularly read a book? Researchers from the internationally acclaimed Yale University have now discovered in an investigation that people who read books more often also live longer. The experts published the results of their study in the journal "Social Science & Medicine".

Many people read books to relax or to escape the normality of everyday life. Other people read books to learn new knowledge or to educate themselves generally. However, frequent reading can bring quite different benefits. Scientists found that regular reading reduces our premature mortality. (Image: ivanko80 /

20 percent lower risk of death during the study period
Reading has many positive effects on us humans. It promotes imagination and creativity, helps us to escape from everyday life and enables us to acquire new knowledge. But apparently reading has other benefits as well. People who read books more often have a survival advantage over non-readers, the researchers say. In their study, physicians found that over the 12-year study period, readers of books had a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death.

Study examines 3,635 participants over a 12-year period
The scientists examined the data of 3,635 subjects for their study. All volunteer participants were at least 50 years old. Subjects were divided into three groups for the study, say the experts. One group consisted of people who did not read books at all. The second group included subjects who read up to 3.5 hours a week. The last group read more than 3.5 hours every week, add the doctors.

Significant survival advantage
The study yielded a remarkable result. People who read books regularly lived longer than people who did not read at all. During the twelve-year study, readers of books lived almost two years longer than non-readers, the authors explain. In other words, not only does a healthy diet and adequate exercise promote our health and life expectancy, but readers of books also enjoy a significant survival advantage, the authors of the study said.

Half an hour of daily reading already increases life expectancy
If the subjects read more than 3.5 hours per week, their probability of dying over the next 12 years decreased by about 23 percent. If the participants read up to 3.5 hours a week (about half an hour a day), their mortality rate has been reduced by up to 17 percent. In their study, the scientists also considered variables such as the level of education, the income and the general state of health of the subjects.

Reading improves connectivity and empathy
The reasons for these positive effects of reading books are still unclear. The investigation found only a link between reading and our longevity, but no causal link, say the scientists. However, the results are not really that surprising. Other research has already shown that reading books improves both the connectivity of our brains and our empathy, the doctors add.

The people of India read the most
When it comes to reading books, the Americans are just under the top 25 in the world, say the authors. Most people read in countries like India, Thailand and China. The United States ranks 23rd, behind countries such as Egypt, Australia, Turkey and Germany.

Unfortunately, reading newspapers does not bring any health benefits
Researchers also found that reading books brings longevity benefits, but this advantage does not come from reading newspapers or magazines. (As)