Homeopathy and reimbursement

Homeopathy and reimbursement / Health News

Homeopathy and reimbursement: The 4th edition of the special edition has been published

Central to this publication of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) are the possibilities of reimbursement of a medical homeopathic treatment. Although homeopathy is considered to be a cash benefit, the contract doctor can not bill his benefits with the statutory health insurance (GKV). So that the patients do not have to pay the bills out of their own pocket, the management company of the DZVhÄ has concluded special contracts with about 100 cash registers. The background of these contracts are described vividly in the booklet. Private supplementary insurance, which covers the costs of medical homeopathy, is also presented. Because not every insurance company that claims inaccurately to reimburse alternative therapies then pays the medical bill. The eight-page booklet also discusses the quality of homeopathic practice and provides tips on how to find a good homeopathic doctor.

The special edition can be requested free of charge from the DZVhÄ, Am Hofgarten 5, 53113 Bonn, [email protected] in larger quantities or downloaded as a pdf file from the DZVhÄ webpage www.welt-der-homoeopathie.de.

The consumer magazine Homeopathy has been published quarterly since 2002 and is free of charge in doctors' offices and pharmacies and is also available as a one-off subscription for 5, - Euro per year. We will gladly send you a sample booklet. (pm, 18.01.2011)