Homeopathy Survey Positive experiences count

Homeopathy Survey Positive experiences count / Health News

Homeopathy Survey: The positive experiences count!


The positive experience with homeopathy is stronger for most people than validated evidence of efficacy. This was the result of a survey commissioned by the German Homeopathy Union (DHU).

The Forsa Institute surveyed 1,000 adults on behalf of DHU. Almost half of the respondents have used homeopathic remedies before. 76% of users were satisfied to very satisfied. For women, the rate was even 81%.

69% of the users found that positive experiences sufficiently prove the effectiveness of the method. For female users, the proportion was 72%. 27% think otherwise and argue for a proof of efficacy by scientific studies.

Half of the respondents (51%) found that critical reports on homeopathy in the media are helpful for people who are new to homeopathy. 37% of all respondents considered the criticism as factual, 60% for rather exaggerated. For the users it was even 69%. (Pm)