Homeopathy for sunburn and heat complaints

Homeopathy for sunburn and heat complaints / Health News
Where there is sun, the shadow is not long in coming: Even the hot season has its pitfalls. So every third German suffers at least once a year under a sunburn. In addition to common medicines for the typical summer illness, but also globules can gently protect and relieve the symptoms.

A recent Germany survey (June 2015) by Globuli.de, Germany's largest homeopathy portal, and the opinion research institute YouGov shows that almost half of the German respondents see globules as a good supplement to conventional medicine.
Forty-three percent of the 1,000 respondents aged 18 and over said they were in favor of the globules as a supplement to conventional medicine. Of these, 35 percent of men and more than half of women surveyed (51 percent).

Circulatory problems, sunstroke and heat stroke
If the temperatures rise above the 30-degree mark, many people have to struggle with circulatory problems in the form of dizziness, sweats or even heat vomit. The most important globuli remedy in the case is Veratrum album. It can help those affected at the beginning of a heat wave and also act as a preventative measure.

When direct sunlight hits inadequately protected heads or neck, it can especially affect the elderly and children. Headaches, nausea and vomiting are the result. The typical sunstroke is also associated with neck stiffness and dizziness. Here, Belladonna or Glonoinum can help those affected.

The symptoms of heat stroke are even more intense: body temperature rises to more than 40 degrees - especially during strenuous activities in damp heat or overheated rooms. Here, nausea, vomiting and headache are the first symptoms. Often, in these cases, only an emergency doctor can help, but also the concomitant intake of Belladonna can relieve the symptoms of a heat stroke.

If the sun's ultraviolet rays hit the unprotected skin for too long, it often results in a painful sunburn. He is often characterized by redness, heat, pain and even blistering. For mild burns, when the skin is red, painful and swollen, Belladonna can provide relief.

insect bites
Stinging insects that fly around the coffee table or annoying mosquitoes that do not settle down at night and wake up with itchy bites - homeopathy can also help here. Ledum and Apis reduce swelling, pain or itching. If an allergic reaction to the insect sting is noticeable, should absolutely a doctor will be consulted.

Homeopathy on the go - the travel pharmacy
Summer time = travel time. Even in the most remote countries travelers can be afflicted with typical diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a jet lag or circulatory problems. Since the medical care is not granted equally well in each country, it is advisable to have a first-aid kit with the most important globules in your luggage. Nux vomica supports vomiting and sleep deprivation, Okoubaka helps with gastrointestinal infections and discomfort, especially in hot areas. If you spend your vacation in tropical areas, you should equip your first-aid kit with a homeopath. 1,011 Germans over the age of 18 took part in the survey. 943 of you were familiar with the topics of homeopathy and Globuli. (Pm)

Picture: fotoknips - fotolia