Homeopathy for pain

Homeopathy for pain / Health News

Pain Therapy: "Homeopathy is often the last ace up your sleeve"


Homeopathy is often the "last ace up the sleeve" in pain therapy. Have you had severe physical pain in the past four weeks? Around 60 percent of respondents to a recent Infratest survey answered this question with a yes. Accordingly, around 2.4 million people in Germany suffer „always“ in severe pain, another 9.6 million people have „often“ severe pain. It is often unclear where this pain comes from, stressed patients encounter perplexed doctors who prescribe painkillers. The analgesics, as they are known in the jargon, dampen the pain of the central nervous system. But the treatment success of a long-term therapy with painkillers are poor and associated with considerable risks for the patient.

In the summer issue of the popular journal Homeopathy of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) Dr. Ing. Klaus Zak, he is a specialist in orthopedics, trauma surgery and homeopathic doctor of homeopathy as a useful option in pain therapy. Dr. Zak has many years of experience in the homeopathic treatment of pain patients and is Chairman of the German Society for Osteopathy and Pain Management (DGOS). „For me as a pain therapist, there is almost always a chance to use homeopathy successfully“, says the Berlin specialist and lists frequent indications: „From postoperative or accidental emergencies, bite wounds, puncture wounds, fractures, subacute situations after tooth extractions, headaches after old bruises, consequences of neck pain after tonsillitis, chronic scar pain of the spine or pain after gynecological-endoscopic surgery to fistula pain after old leg fractures.“ His conclusion: „Homeopathy is often the last ace up your sleeve.“

Pain is uncomfortable, and pain relief is provided by painkillers. The careless and abusive use is associated with considerable risks according to recent study results. Apart from that, the use of analgesics is a pure symptom treatment that does not cure the patient and helps to chronify pain. Researchers at Switzerland's most important institution for scientific research, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), put it in a nutshell in their current analysis: „Those who regularly take painkillers often expose themselves to the increased risk of suffering a heart or cerebral infarction.“ Ironically, many of the over-the-counter painkillers increase the risk of heart attack fourfold. The results of the SNSF are based on the world's most comprehensive meta-analysis of clinical trials on this topic and are considered scientifically incontestable. A whole range of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ie painkillers with simultaneous antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action, pose deadly risks, according to SNF. These medicines include, for example, ibuprofen or naproxen. All drugs tested are "associated with an increased risk of heart attack or cerebral infarction," according to SNSF..

Klaus Zak has carried out a study on the effects of the homeopathic remedy Arnica after operations, in which more than 800 patients participated. The surgical interventions concerned the entire spectrum of orthopedic surgery up to large-scale operations of arthroplasty. Dr. Zak summarizes some key findings: „No patient bleed, and no patient developed infection requiring further surgical or medical intervention. Every second patient was able to completely abstain from pain medications. Side effects of the homeopathic drug administration we could not find. The administration of Arnica or other suitable homeopathic remedies has been one of our standard postoperative procedures ever since.“ (Pm)

The consumer magazine Homeopathy of the DZVhÄ appears quarterly, the topics of the current summer issue at a glance:

Category: Knowledge - The Hering Rule / Series: The Most Important Homeopathic Remedies - Belladonna / Medical Practice: Dead End Painkillers; Interview with dr. Klaus Zak; Case study Pain Therapy / Research / Animal Homeopathy / My Story: How I came to Homeopathy / Self-Treatment: The First Aid Kit / Riddles