Homeopathy consultation for pharmacists

Homeopathy consultation for pharmacists / Health News

Homeopathy consultation for pharmacists planned at the German Homeopathy Congress


On Thursday, June 2, there will be the first pharmacy day within the DZVhÄ Congress. These are topics that are particularly important for the daily work of pharmacists. The beginning is the introduction to homeopathy. Two homeopathic doctors talk about "The great power of little balls"and explain which remedies belong in a homeopathic first-aid kit and in which indications these medicines are used.

After participating in the first two lectures of the open lecture series, it becomes even more professional. Angelika Gutge-Wickert (pharmacist, doctor) and dr. Günter Heck (Internist) Knowledge of treatment approaches for acute illnesses in contrast to chronic, about proven indications and their limits as well as about involuntary provings in case of too long or too frequent administration. Further topics are the DZVhÄ's homeopathy direct contracts, in which around 3,000 pharmacists already participate, the additional designation of homeopathy and natural remedies, and the expansion of homeopathic consulting expertise. Afterwards, there will be a seminar with the pharmacist Brita Gudjons, owner of the company Gomjon Homoeopathic Laboratory.

The annual homeopathy congress of the DZVhÄ is the culmination of the medical homeopathy training and meeting point for most of those who deal with the topic of homeopathy. Every year around 600 participants from numerous European countries attend the German Homeopathy Congress, which this year takes place under the motto "Homeopathy without borders - border experiences of medical homeopathy in science and practice" at the Eurogress in Aachen. (Pm)