Holzschuh Award for Complementary Medicine 2015 craniosacral therapy for chronic neck pain

Holzschuh Award for Complementary Medicine 2015 craniosacral therapy for chronic neck pain / Health News
Heidemarie Haller has been awarded the Holzschuh Prize for Complementary Medicine 2015 for her work on craniosacral therapy for chronic neck pain.

The active model of craniosacral therapy, developed mainly from empirical findings, has not been scientifically evaluated until today. The study by Heidemarie Haller et al. now confirms with the highest scientific standard the efficacy and safety of craniosacral therapy in chronic nonspecific neck pain patients. This is because, among other things, it demonstrates the effectiveness of a sham treatment in a well-designed and methodically clean study design.

Effective therapy for chronic neck pain. Image: Dan Race - fotolia

"And Mrs. Haller goes one step further", the jury justifies the selection of the work. "It adds a qualitative part to its quantitative analysis. Extensive interviews documented the very personal experience of the complaints, the treatments and the changes.

The "Karl und Hilde Holzschuh Foundation" annually awards the € 5,000 wood shoe prize for complementary medicine. The foundation's prize is intended to promote scientific research in natural medicine and complementary medicine and to make the results of the studies more widely known. (Pm)