Wood as a remedy

Wood as a remedy / Naturopathy
Healing wood - trees bring health
Wood heals. Who goes for a walk in the woods, at which the heart rate decreases. As a result, more oxygen reaches the heart. Softwoods contain essential oils that promote healings, people in pinewood beds had 3,600 heartbeats per night less. When the pulse is lower, we live longer.


  • Wood in furniture
  • Embrace trees - a hobby of eco-minds?
  • The "sick building syndrome"
  • Mental benefits of wood
  • Detoxify with charcoal

Innumerable active ingredients in wood have long been known, for example willow bark as the basis of aspirin. While the pharmaceutical industry is concerned with individual active substances, thousands of active substances are active in forests and even in individual trees.

Wood in furniture

Untreated wood and wood, which is at most embedded with linseed oil or wax, remains open-pored and thus receives the positive exhalations.

Wood can be beneficial. Image: © daffodilred - fotolia

Studies showed that students in rooms with solid wood furniture had a lower heart rate as soon as they entered the class, and their vagus ran at full speed, the nerve that provides relaxation. This nerve also prevents diseases such as atherosclerosis and arthrosis.

Scientists at the Joanneum in Austria examined students in two classrooms that were traditionally equipped with plasterboard with spruce and spruce cladding and with oiled parquet instead of linoleum, the light grids were made of pine instead of mirror grids.

Ten students per class participated in the study, and scientists from the Institute for Noninvasive Diagnostics measured their heart rate every two months. The concentration did not change, but her heart beat about 8,000 times less daily. The study is not yet secured, but the same study would have to take place in other schools under comparable conditions.

Embrace trees - a hobby of eco-minds?

Who hugs trees, is quickly considered a whimsical esoteric, and indeed find books on the "power" of trees often between scientific nonsense such as "Celtic tree horoscope" and "angels" again.

Trees affect but proved the immune system. Seeing a tree in front of the window alone speeds up the healing of patients in clinics. In forest areas, fewer people die of cancer than in areas without trees, according to studies that have already excluded other influences.

Environmental psychologist Marc Berman compared tree density in Toronto with people's health data. The result was clearer: the more trees in a residential area, the lower the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Scientists at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo have empirically verified this effect: anyone who stays in a forest for a day, whose immune cells in the blood rise by 50% and stay at this level for a week.

What does it have to embrace with the trees? If nature mystics rave about the contact with tree ghosts, this has a true core: tree bark contains terpene, substances that strengthen the human immune system. That's what Nippon Medical School found out. These turpentine even promote the proteins that fight the cancer.

8,000 terpenes and terpenoids close to them are known to science and form the basis of the essential oils that produce plants. Hydrocarbons, glycoside, ether, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic and alcoholic terpenes are predominant in trees.

The "sick building syndrome"

The "sick building syndrome" refers to nonspecific symptoms such as lack of concentration, headache, itchy skin, eye and mucous membrane complaints. These occur in glass-steel constructions and sealed interiors.

Professor Dr. Jasminka Godnic-Cvar from the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Vienna considers wood surfaces to be the best way to prevent these symptoms. They even promoted general health rather than leading to disease symptoms.

Mental benefits of wood

Dr. Marjut Wallenius examines the psychological effects of wood on people and concludes: "Wood has a psychological effect on humans and reduces stress in a similar way to nature."

A natural environment can relieve depressive moods. Picture: Smileys - fotolia

She also discusses how it comes to it: "Wood surfaces help to make interiors feel warm, comfortable and soothing. With these properties, wood surpasses all other common surface materials. "

Touching wood therefore gives people the feeling of security. In contrast, touching aluminum, plastic or steel causes increased blood pressure. The lowest is the electrical conductivity of the skin, so the stress level in a room with wooden furniture.

According to Wallenius wood would affect the air in the room, the acoustics, the well-being of the people as well as the physical stress level.

Detoxify with charcoal

Not only is the living forest and untreated wood in furniture good for your health, but charcoal is also an effective remedy. Medically, we use it mostly grind.

Charcoal binds hardly any nutrients in the organism, but poisons better than almost any other substance. At the same time the blood circulation does not take them up.

Charcoal binds DDT, strychnine, kerosene, cyanide, dieldrin, malathion and even radioactive substances, as well as nicotine, alcohol, morphine, opium and alcohol. For certain medications, we should not consume charcoal, because it also binds them: aspirin and penicillin are the most common.

In acute poisoning, we should immediately try to vomit and then drink 30-60 grams of activated carbon in water. For flatulence, a tablespoon of charcoal helps in half a glass of water.

Charcoal also helps with chronic intestinal inflammation. We do an enema for that, after we dissolved the coal in water and let it stand for a few hours.

Charcoal in a wound dressing helps to absorb bacteria and viruses. Charcoal reduces swelling and relieves insect bites. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)