Crimson head No greasy care products

Crimson head No greasy care products / Health News

Crimson head: Avoid fatty care products


There are people who blush even in the midst of little embarrassment, while others have a crimson head for hours after physical exertion or excitement. Some toiletries may make the problem worse, but others may help.

Avoid excitement and effort
Some people blush right away with little embarrassment. Others often have a red head for hours after exercising or getting excited. As a rule, the tendency for a bright red head is conditioned. Gernot Herrmann from the Professional Association of German Dermatologists in Euskirchen stated, according to a message from the news agency dpa, that the vascular regulation of those affected is impaired. Those affected should therefore avoid excitement and effort.

Do not use too greasy care products
But you should also avoid care products that are too fatty or those that contain essential oils, fragrances and preservatives. Better are ingredients that soothe the skin and strengthen the blood vessels. With the help of products with a greenish tinge you can easily conceal the redness of the face. However, make-up should be light and non-caulking. In addition, a good sunscreen is essential. Since exfoliants and alcoholic preparations can stimulate blood circulation and irritate sensitive skin, affected persons should better not cleanse their facial skin.

With a constant red face to the doctor
People who are constantly red in the face should consult a doctor. As Herrmann explained, it could also be due to hypertension or various internal diseases. Also possible are skin diseases. For example, it could be the chronic rosacea disease if the skin is very sensitive, burns, itches and tends to swell. In that case, the skin then increasingly forms new vessels or expands existing ones. In addition to intensive skincare, rosacea sometimes also uses antibiotics. Since a connection with mental stress or stress is suspected in this disease, also the stress regulation, for example by yoga or autogenic training, often plays a role in the naturopathic therapy. Hydrotherapy with cold and warm water treatments also promises to ease the symptoms. (Ad)