High season of tick season Tips to protect you from the annoying bloodsuckers

High season of tick season Tips to protect you from the annoying bloodsuckers / Health News

Carrier of dangerous diseases: How to protect yourself from ticks

Those who often roam through woods and meadows in the warm season should beware of ticks. The small bloodsuckers, which can be active at the beginning of spring and into late autumn, are known as transmitters of dangerous diseases such as TBE or Lyme disease. Experts warn against underestimating the danger.

Crabbugs are active for a long time

According to experts, from April to September tick season. However, the little bloodsuckers can be active even at the beginning of spring and into late autumn. The crabs can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Health experts are therefore constantly stressing the importance of protecting themselves from ticks.

Health experts warn against underestimating the dangers of ticks. The little bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases like TBE and Lyme disease. (Image: emer / fotolia.com)

Quick removal of the tick is important

"With every tick bite applies: The quick removal of the tick is crucial," explains dr. Frieder Schaumburg from the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University Hospital Münster (Münster University Hospital) in a communication.

"The risk of becoming infected with borreliosis in a tick bite is significantly influenced by the duration of sucking the tick," says the expert.

It will take up to 24 hours for the Lyme disease agents to be transmitted to humans. "That's why you should thoroughly check up on ticks after an outdoor day to minimize the risk of infection," said the head of the vaccine consultation.

"The incidence of Borrelia in ticks varies greatly both regionally and on a small scale and can be up to 30%," writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on its website.

According to the experts, scientific research has shown that about five percent of people bitten by a tick get infected with borrelia.

"Only a very small proportion of those infected, around one percent, develop disease symptoms," says the RKI.

Diseases can lead to death if left untreated

The signs of Lyme disease include general symptoms such as fatigue, night sweats, fever and nonspecific joint and muscle pain.

If the disease remains unrecognized and untreated, it can lead to chronic damage to, among other things, the heart, nerves and joints and in the worst case to death.

There is no vaccine against the disease.

Ticks can also transmit TBE viruses. Especially in older people, the disease can be difficult. About one third of the infected people have symptoms of illness.

First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness.

Some patients also develop meningitis and encephalitis with the risk of spinal cord damage. In extreme cases, the disease is fatal.

There are no drugs available against TBE itself, only the symptoms can be treated.

TBE no longer only in southern Germany

Although the bloodsuckers can carry much more pathogens in themselves, but in Germany play almost exclusively the TBE viruses and Borrelia a role.

According Schaumburg the TBE agent is "limited to the south of Germany".

"However, travelers should consider that and think about vaccination," says the microbiologist.

However, other experts point out that the TBE risk areas in Germany are increasing rapidly and the disease is now also a growing danger in northern Germany.

For example, Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt, parasitologist of the University of Hohenheim in a communication on "brand new hot spots in Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Berlin."

Protect against ticks

In order to protect itself foam Schaumburg recommends common mosquito repellent containing the ingredients DEET or Icaridin. These make humans as prey uninteresting.

In addition, long clothing should be worn, for example, during walks or walks through tall grasses.

"In the case of a tick bite, you should use a pair of fine tweezers to grip the tick as close to the mouth as possible and pull it out vertically," explains Dr. Frieder Schaumburg.

He strongly advises against turning or warming up. Instead, the wound should be disinfected and observed.

"An indication of an infection is the so-called Wanderröte. This creates a circular redness around the puncture site. This continues to spread as the infection progresses. "

Although it is a 100 percent symptom of Lyme disease, it occurs in only half of the patients.

If you are not sure about a redness after an insect bite or bite, you can compare it with pictures of the so-called Erythema migrans on the Internet.

In case of suspicion, affected persons should visit their family doctor.

If the bacteria have attacked the nervous system, it is called neuroborreliosis. Depending on the stage of the infection, treatment with antibiotics takes between a few days and a few weeks. "As a rule, however, the Lyme disease can be treated well," said Schaumburg. (Ad)