High infectious whooping cough diseases are spreading more and more

High infectious whooping cough diseases are spreading more and more / Health News

Whooping cough: Highly contagious disease in Bavaria on the rise

The number of whooping cough infections in Germany rose to a new high last year. The childhood disease, which also occurs in adults, is especially dangerous for infants. Experts are now sounding the alarm: The highly infectious disease is on the rise in Bavaria.

Especially dangerous for infants

Whooping cough (pertussis) occurs throughout the year, but in autumn and winter, infections are generally more common. In recent times, an unusually large number of people have become infected in Germany, especially in Bavaria. The infectious disease is particularly dangerous for infants. Transmission of the highly infectious disease is by droplet infection. "Adolescents and adults play an important role as carriers of infants," writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on its website. Experts call for vaccination.

More and more people in Bavaria are becoming infected with whooping cough. The highly contagious disease is especially dangerous for infants. But adults also get sick. A vaccine can provide protection. (Image: absolutimages / fotolia.com)

Whooping cough in Bavaria on the rise

In Bavaria, whooping cough is on the rise. According to a news agency dpa, the number of diagnosed cases has increased by around 29 percent since 2013.

A spokeswoman for the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) told the German Press Agency that the disease was detected 3,409 times last year. Four years earlier, there were only 2,638 cases.

As the spokeswoman said, the trend is not only in the Free State, but also in other states to the top. Implücken in the population favored the infections.

However, the highly contagious disease is also becoming increasingly better. Only since 2013 there is a nationwide registration for whooping cough.

In addition, improved diagnostic methods could be a reason for the increase in numbers.

Primary immunization for children

"Whooping cough is highly contagious. Only a vaccine can effectively protect against it, "said Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml, according to a dpa message.

"Infants are most affected by severe disease. Therefore, the parents, grandparents and siblings should receive a whooping cough vaccine at least four weeks before the birth of a child, "said the CSU politician.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommends starting the vaccine against whooping cough, which consists of four vaccine doses, from the age of two months and completing it by the 14th month of life at the latest.

At the age of five to six and from nine to 17 years, the vaccine should be refreshed once each.

Even adults need to protect themselves

According to the Bavarian Ministry of Health, the vaccination recommendation also applies to women of childbearing age as well as to health care staff and community facilities.

And: "For all adults, STIKO recommends administering the next due Td vaccine (tetanus and diphtheria) once in combination with a pertussis vaccine, since at least two-thirds of all diseases occur in people over the age of 19," writes the LGL Bavaria.

According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the injection site may become swollen, achy or red after vaccination.

In addition, increased temperature, shivering, fatigue, muscle pain and gastrointestinal complaints are possible. The symptoms usually resolve after three days at the latest. (Ad)