High season for bladder infections - wet bathing suits are often the cause

High season for bladder infections - wet bathing suits are often the cause / Health News

Bladder infections are currently in high season: Wet bathing suits must be changed

The current sweaty heat wave ensures full outdoor pools. Unfortunately, the summer bathing season is also accompanied by an accumulation of bladder infections. A health expert explains how to avoid such infections.

Prevent bladder infections

Already in grandmother's time, it was warned against settling on cold soils, because they can catch the bladder. But even in the summer threatens danger. Because the bathing season is unfortunately also the high season for bladder infections. The reason is often wet bathing suits, such as Dr. med. Wolfgang Reuter, health expert at DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung explained in a statement. Therefore, wet swimsuits and swimming trunks should be changed immediately after swimming.

After swimming you should change the wet swimwear. Otherwise, the risk of cystitis increases. (Image: Monkey Business / fotolia.com)

Change after bathing

When drying the wet things, the water evaporates on the skin, causing cold. And that causes the pelvic area to cool down very quickly, explains the physician.

The consequence of this is that the blood flow is reduced, which leads to defensive weakness in this area.

Then bacteria and germs can easily enter the urinary tract and cause cystitis. It is therefore advisable to change after swimming.

Girls and women are affected more often

Most girls and women are affected by inflammation of the urinary tract, which is often accompanied by urinary symptoms and fever.

Men are less likely to get sick because the pathogens have to travel a longer way to the bladder. But they should also change the swimming trunks after swimming.

Diseased men feel, among other things, a constant urination and pressure problems in the bladder area.

Natural remedies help

In the past, the disease was almost always treated with antibiotics. Today, doctors often recommend trying certain painkillers first. But there is more that helps with cystitis.

Dr. Reuter advises to drink a lot and to empty the bladder regularly and completely, because this flushes the urinary tract.

The cure can also be supplemented with non-prescription herbal medicines from the pharmacy.

In case of a mild course of the disease are also numerous home remedies for cystitis available, with which you can treat yourself.

For example, stinging nettle tea, bearberry leaves or juniper can have a healing effect. According to experts, Cranberry also has a special position in natural remedies.

If the symptoms do not improve within a few days, sufferers should consult a doctor.

Men should always seek medical treatment

Dr. Reuter also points out in the communication that men should always have cystitis treated by a doctor because it is often caused by prostate disease.

Affected children should also go to the doctor, because if left untreated it can lead to inflammation of the renal pelvis.

And with pregnant women, infections can get into the kidneys more quickly, which in turn can trigger premature labor.

Therefore, you should also see a doctor immediately. (Ad)