Highly contagious bird flu in the Emsland

Highly contagious bird flu in the Emsland / Health News
Highly pathogenic avian flu viruses found in laying hens in Emsland
In Emsland, the highly contagious avian influenza virus H7N7 was detected in a laying hen population. According to the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, around 10,000 laying hens had to be killed in an "animal welfare-friendly" manner. By close contact with diseased or died birds as well as their products or excretions also humans can become infected with the exciter. Direct contact with infected animals should therefore be avoided at all costs, reports the Lower Saxony Ministry of Agriculture.

Self-assessments of the laying hen farm in Emsland had led to the suspicion of bird flu. This has now been confirmed by official samples of the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (LAVES). Furthermore, investigations in the national reference laboratory of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) on the island of Riems showed that the pathogens are to be assigned to the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) strain with the subtype H7N7.

10,000 laying hens were killed for proving bird flu in Emsland and a restricted area was set up around the affected farm. (Image: reinhard sester / fotolia.com)

Comprehensive security measures initiated
On the basis of the official results of the investigation, according to the report of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Agriculture, "all necessary measures to combat the epizootic according to European and federal regulations by the district of Emsland were set." Thus, in a radius of three kilometers to the affected hens operation a restricted area has been established. In addition, the authorities explained the area with a radius of ten kilometers around the outbreak to the observation area. "Poultry must not be brought in or out of these areas," reports the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition to the 10,000 animals of the affected farm, the stocks within a radius of one kilometer were also killed "in compliance with animal welfare regulations - in this case around 60 animals from two animal husbandry", the ministry continued.

In the US this year already 50 million infected animals
The authorities have initiated further epidemiological investigations to determine the cause of the bird flu infections and other contact companies. Should no new case occur within 30 days of cleaning and disinfecting the plant, the security measures could be lifted, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza strains have been recurrent over the years. This year, hitherto almost 50 million affected animals, especially the USA, were affected by severe HPAI cases, reports the Lower Saxony Ministry of Agriculture. In Lower Saxony, the last outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (type H5N8) occurred in December 2014 in the district of Cloppenburg and in the district of Emsland. Less contagious forms of bird flu were detected in March and June of this year in the district of Cuxhaven and in the district of Emsland. (Fp)