Highly contagious bovine herpes eradicated

Highly contagious bovine herpes eradicated / Health News

Highly contagious bovine herpes eradicated


In eastern Germany, the highly contagious bovine disease BHV1 is considered eradicated. This has been announced by the competent authorities. It had also recently been pointed out that most of the bird-flu imposed cows were canceled.

Highly contagious bovine epidemic is considered eradicated
The highly contagious bovine epidemic BHV1 applies in East Germany, according to a message from the news agency dpa as eradicated. According to the Schwerin Ministry of Agriculture reported that the responsible for animal disease control supreme Land authorities of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have announced that the fight against BHV1 - Bovine herpes virus type 1 - be completed, an infection of cattle could. Thuringia and Bavaria were reportedly free of the virus earlier.

Stallpflicht for poultry for the most part repealed
Dr. Till Backhaus, Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) explained that this could give impetus to all trade, especially in the breeding sector. It is said that in addition to the German Länder, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the province of Bolzano are also recognized as BHV1-free regions in Italy. Yet another news recently made it easier for breeding farms in East Germany: In Saxony-Anhalt, the compulsory housing for poultry, which had been imposed due to bird flu, for the most part repealed.

Safe for people
The worldwide spread of BHV1 infection is a notifiable disease in this country. For the import of animals from regions, in which the virus is still common, special regulations apply, such as quarantine and investigations on the virus. Cattle that suffer from BHV1 infection usually show symptoms in the upper respiratory tract (nose and trachea) and high fever. The infection can cause significant economic damage. The virus is considered safe for humans. (Ad)

Picture: Aka