Highly contagious noroviruses were the cause of vomiting diarrhea at summer camps

Highly contagious noroviruses were the cause of vomiting diarrhea at summer camps / Health News
Confirmation: Noroviruses were the trigger for vomiting diarrhea at the summer camp
After a few days ago in the Swabian Mödingen 19 children in the summer camp were suffering from vomiting diarrhea, was searched for the causes of the disease wave. Now it was confirmed that noroviruses were the trigger for it.

Noroviruses are believed to be the cause of children's vomiting diarrhea. (Image: fotoliaxrender / fotolia.com)

Norovirus confirmed as a trigger for diarrhea
As a governmental investigation revealed, noroviruses have been the cause of vomiting, in which nearly 20 children and several carers in a holiday camp in the Swabian Mödingen in the district of Dillingen (Bavaria) were affected. This informed the local district office on Friday. The patients were part of a group from Baden-Wuerttemberg, who went on holiday in the summer camp. One of the children had been treated in a hospital. In the other patients, the disease symptoms were resolved within a few hours.

No pathogens in food samples
It is said that no pathogenic agents were found in the examined food samples, but in the samples of stool and vomit Noroviruses could be detected as the cause of the vomiting. It was still unclear how the children got infected with the virus. Noroviruses are highly contagious and responsible for much of the non-bacterial gastrointestinal disease in children and adults. Patients suffer from severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, among other things. Only recently, in the small town of Birkenfeld (Rhineland-Palatinate) more than 110 people were suffering from a gastrointestinal infection. More than 30 of them had to be hospitalized. According to the first analysis of stool samples Noroviren would be the cause. (Ad)