ENT doctors tips against snoring

ENT specialists find causes of snoring and avert possible dangers
Sawing breath sounds not only prevent sleep and strain some relationship, they also burden the health. Experts distinguish between the relatively uncomplicated "primary snoring", which hardly affects the sleepers' breathing, and the harmful "obstructive snoring", which impedes the respiration so much that it regularly interrupts briefly when sleeping. However, since this so-called sleep apnea can develop from the harmless snoring, ENT doctors also advise „normal“ Snoring, the cause of a specialist to be clarified.
„In most cases, decreasing tension of the upper respiratory gland muscles causes the throat tube to vibrate“, explains Detlef Freise, board member of HNOnet-NRW. The upper airways consist of a tube with many muscles. As they sleep, they partially relax, the tube collapses at these points and is vibrated by the respiratory flow. Anatomical bottlenecks in the nasal and pharyngeal area increase the vibration. So far, there is still no means to specifically strengthen the muscles. After all, experts now know which „wrongdoer“ additionally relax the muscles. „Overweight, and alcohol have a negative effect on the nocturnal noise. Therefore, even small changes in the living habits to help himself and his partner to make the night's sleep deserved.
For example, being overweight also affects the muscles of the upper respiratory tract. „High weight makes it harder to breathe calmly“, clarifies Freise. A few kilos less on the ribs therefore often contribute significantly to reduce the audible consequences. Alcohol in turn lowers the muscle tension of the upper respiratory tract. The renunciation of heavy food, the cozy after-work beer or a glass of wine can therefore be an enrichment for some. Last but not least, it depends on the lying position. Most „harmless“ Snorers sleep soundly quiet when lying on their side.
However, if all these tips have no effect or if you feel tired and uneasy during the day, it is advisable to seek the advice of a ENT specialist. He finds in a detailed conversation and in-depth investigation, the reasons for nocturnal restlessness and specifically treats possible organic causes. In addition to a weak throat muscles, for example, polyps, deformities of the nasal septum or enlarged tonsils come as a trigger in question. In some people, the airways close completely for a short while in sleep. Then it comes to breathing pauses with awakening reactions that require medical clarification and treatment. „Not only do apnea patients suffer from the consequences of a lack of recovery, they also run the risk of suffering sequelae such as heart attacks, strokes or chronic fatigue injuries“, Warns Freise. With modern technology, however, sleep apnea can be successfully treated today. (Pm)
Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger