Otolaryngologists give online consultation

Otolaryngologists give online consultation / Health News
Online video consultation started in NRW
If you live a little further from the next big city, you usually have to spend a lot of time to visit the nearest specialist. When it comes to investigations, this can not be avoided. But in order to discuss results or to discuss the course of treatment with the doctor, a personal visit to the practice is not always necessary. The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), the HNOnet-NRW, an association of established ENT doctors, and the software company Patientus have been testing an online video consultation in everyday practice since October. It should be just as individual and enlightening as the visit to the doctor, but at the same time significantly less effort for the patient.

The door to telemedicine in the medical ENT area has been open to insured persons at TK since 1 October. About 25 ear, nose and throat doctors from North Rhine-Westphalia are taking part in the project so far, and the number is increasing. For optimum medical follow-up care - which the participating physicians agree with their patients in advance - findings reports, clarifications and follow-up checks can now be carried out digitally. There is also the possibility to digitally view medical images together. "For patients, the online video consultation offers a medical offer outside of normal office hours," explains Dr. med. Lothar Bleckmann, CEO of HNOnet NRW eG. the advantages. "It's so much easier for physicians to look after patients who have been to the doctor's office before."

ENT examination. Image: Alexander Raths - fotolia

The aim of the project partners is to integrate the video consultation into the outpatient specialist care, so that the insured can more easily access to medical services. Günter van Aalst, head of the TK-Landesvertretung in North Rhine-Westphalia: "The health care has taken the step from the typewriter to the PC, now has to follow the leap into the digital age. With telemedicine, expert knowledge will reach the patients' living room. "
Data security is ensured by modern security and encryption standards. In addition, conversation content is not saved. The smooth appointment process is ensured by an individual appointment tan. Patients do not need additional hardware or software. A PC or laptop with Internet connection and a standard webcam is enough.

First experiences show that the online video consultation works technically well and is also positively valued by the patients. "It lives up to the technical possibilities of our time," Dr. Bleckmann together. "It combines comfort for the patient with good medical care."