ENT Who needs to have tumor care?

While preventive examinations for gynecological and urological cancers as well as colon cancer are already widely accepted, many other cancer screening studies pay little attention. Tumors in the head and neck are relatively common. Above all, people who smoke, regularly consume alcohol or in whose family it has already come to ENT-specific cancers, the precaution should not dismiss the ear, nose and throat doctor. This is indicated by HNOnet-NRW, an association of established ENT doctors.
"Tumors of the upper respiratory and food routes are the fourth most common malignant tumors in men - and in women, the frequency has been increasing continuously for years," clarifies Dr. med. Uso Walter, Chairman of the HNOnet-NRW. Since the chances of recovery mainly depend on the time of recognition of the disease, a regular check-up with known risk factors such as smoking, regular alcohol consumption or a family behavior is indicated. The examination is carried out by the ENT doctor with thin optics with which he painlessly inspects the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. He also recognizes precursors of tumor diseases as surely. Ultrasound examination of the cervical soft tissues moreover reliably excludes malignant diseases of the lymph nodes, salivary glands and thyroid gland. (Pm)