Heat high endangers our health

Heat high endangers our health / Health News
Heat-high "Annelie": Experts warn against health hazards
The heat high "Annelie" could rise in the coming days the temperatures in some areas up to 40 degrees. The extreme temperatures are a huge burden for the human organism. Above all, seniors and people with pre-existing conditions are at risk, warn health experts.

Especially seniors and people with pre-existing conditions at risk
Medical meteorologists of the German Weather Service (DWD) have warned against strains on the human organism in view of the heat high "Annelie". According to a report by the news agency dpa, a spokeswoman for the DWD Medical Meteorology in Freiburg on Tuesday said that especially seniors and people with pre-existing conditions are at risk. Since the body is claimed to be able to come to terms with the high temperatures, you should step down a bit. At least during the day, physical activities outdoors should be avoided. Ideally, you only stay in the shade or in buildings. The facility, based in Freiburg im Breisgau, investigates the effects of weather on the human body.

The high temperatures of the coming days threaten many people with health problems. (Image: K.-U. Häßler / fotolia.com)

Avoid strong physical stress
High heat can cause cardiovascular problems, dizziness, headaches and migraines, seizures such as calf cramps and rheumatic disorders. Strong strains on the body, such as through intense sports, should be avoided at all costs. Special attention should also be paid to the appropriate clothing at high temperatures: the fabrics should be thin and light, and instead of synthetic materials better made of cotton or other natural fibers. As airy clothes are a dress or skirt or short or long pants. For outdoor stays, headgear should be worn. Sunscreen is also recommended.

Light meals instead of heavy food
The diet also plays a special role. Hard-to-digest and fatty foods should be better avoided. The food should be easy to digest and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Fruit and salads are recommended. In addition, on particularly hot days, the body needs sufficient hydration to prevent internal dehydration. This is especially important for older people and children. How much water we should drink is also dependent on the temperatures and the physical activities. In the current weather conditions, it may be according to nutrition experts, according to nutritional experts quiet three liters or more a day. In addition to mineral water juices or juice spritzers and unsweetened fruit teas are to be recommended. Alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee or black tea should be avoided, since they withdraw fluid from the body.

Provide for cooling
To cope better with the heat, you should always provide for cooling off by washing hands, neck and face with cold water. Even a lukewarm shower provides relief here because the body temperature drops through them again. However, a sudden cooling, such as a cold shower, puts a strain on the body. As the dpa message states, increased caution in traffic is required in the high temperatures. The accident risk increases, since the concentration and reactivity is limited in heat. (Ad)