Heat damage from hot water bottles Brown skin damage almost never forms back

Heat damage from hot water bottles Brown skin damage almost never forms back / Health News
When it is freezing cold outside, a hot water bottle or electric blanket often works wonders against cold hands, ice feet and discomfort. The soothing warmth can also bring with it negative consequences. Because who keeps the overlay too long on the body, risk redness and brown spots on the skin, warns the dermatologist Uta Schlossberger from the professional association of dermatologists.
Feel good by heat
Snow, ice and minus degrees: In the deepest winter every form of warmth is tempting to "thaw" the body again and experience cosiness. For the "heat therapy" various methods are suitable, such as a grain pillow, potato wrap, a hot tub or a so-called "hay flower sack". Other home remedies help against cold feet, such as a warm foot bath, spicy food or a sauna session. Electric blankets and hot water bottles are also very popular tools for supplying heat to the body. But you should be careful here - because the warm pad remains too long on the body, threaten skin damage, emphasizes Uta Schlossberger in conversation with the news agency "dpa".

Electric blankets and hot water bottles warm in winter. However, scalds should be avoided. Image: absolutimages - fotolia

Itching spots as a result of increased blood flow
According to the expert, although 43 to 47 degrees would still be perceived as "pleasant" to "just bearable" by many people, these temperatures could possibly already have negative consequences. Does the heat act, e.g. For hours on end, the skin may become red due to increased blood flow. While this dermatologist termed "erythema" usually causes no pain and recovers completely, some sufferers would report a mild itching or burning sensation, the expert continued.

Brown spots do not recede
On the other hand, it is less "harmless" when the spots assume a brownish color. Because this discoloration would not disappear, according to the dermatologist. "The skin shivers and wrinkles," said Schlossberger, also small spider veins would form. If you put too much pressure on your skin with too hot temperatures, you risk even skin cancer. But this only becomes relevant when you sleep on a heated blanket for 20 to 30 years, says the expert.

In most cases, the damage to the skin would instead remain harmless. Nevertheless, especially parents should be especially careful when they give their baby or child or similar with a hot water bottle. want to do something good. Because children's skin is extremely sensitive and much thinner than in adults. Therefore, it is recommended to wrap the hot water bottle for the child with a cloth and to take the water directly from the line. "It should not be more than 40 degrees warm," advises the expert. (No)