Danger of heat for dogs Veterinarian starts self-experiment in the heat car

Danger of heat for dogs Veterinarian starts self-experiment in the heat car / Health News
Self-test in the heat car should wake up dog owners
The extreme heat of the past few days does not only create people, but also pets. Again and again, rescue operations of trapped dogs from parked cars are required, which brewed in the heat. The owners often do not even realize the risk for their animals. The veterinarian Sebastian Goßmann-Jonigkeit (34) from Engelskirchen has therefore published the video of a self-experiment on Facebook, in which it becomes clear what strain it means to be locked in the hot car.

The experiment was carried out a year ago at outdoor temperatures of 24 degrees Celsius. Inside the vehicle, 35 degrees Celsius is already prevalent shortly after the start of the video, even though the veterinarian had ventilated the car just before the attempt. After ten minutes more than 38 degrees Celsius are reached and Goßmann-Jonigkeit reports the first signs of overheating such as dry lips, dryness in the throat, heavy sweating and a clearly reddened head.

Anyone watching such a picture in the current heat should intervene and, if possible, address the owners or otherwise alert the police. (Image: Monika Wisniewska / fotolia.com)

Temperatures rise quickly in the car
After 20 minutes, the temperatures inside the vehicle rise to more than 40 degrees Celsius, Gossmann-Jonigkeit sweats more and more, complains of dizziness and shows a significantly increased blood pressure. In the end, the display on the thermometer in the car rises to almost 50 degrees Celsius, the vet's pulse has risen from 118 at the beginning of the experiment to over 150, Goßmann-Jonigkeit is visibly weakened and ends the attempt with a call for increased attention. "Do not leave the dogs in the car, no matter how long or short they have to go shopping," says Goßmann-Jonigkeit.

Never lock dogs in the car when it is hot
According to the expert, no dog should be trapped in the car during this heat. Anyone who observes this is required to intervene. Perhaps his self-experiment will help to wake people up a bit so that a dog does not die as a result of such misconduct, according to Goßmann-Jonigkeit. The video has subtitles for the hearing impaired and is also available with English subtitles. Through the distribution on Facebook and other portals, the veterinarian hopes to sensitize all dog owners for the issue. "We hope with the videos just reach the people who underestimate the danger," said the vet from Engelskirchen. (Fp)